37: On the run (Part Two)

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"What are you gonna tell her?" My baby mama Keyshia asked.

Her, P, and myself flew to San Fran yesterday morning for family time.

"The same thing I already told her, that I'm out here handling legal stuff while P with you." I yawned

"Ok Nip..." she trailed off

"You have nothing to worry about." I smiled pulling her towards me

"If you say so." She replied

I will be going away after King come home, and just like I'm makin sure london straight I gotta make sure Key straight too.

"Daddy?" P came out her hotel room

"Yeah." I looked down at her

"Can I talk to London?" She asked looking up at me with her big brown eyes Keyshia pushed herself off me kissing her lips.

"You can't baby." I picked her up sitting her on my lap

"But why?" She asked

"Because you're chilling with mommy." I said to her

"But I want to talk to Lon Lon." She poked her bottom lip out meaning that she was about to start the water works

"You can talk to her later ok?" I told her

"Okay daddy." She got off my lap walking back to her room with her head down and lip poked out

"Why?" Key said with her arms crossed and her back to the head board

"Why what?" I raised an eye brow turning towards her

"Why do she have to talk to her?" She pointed raising her voice a little

"Cause to her London is her moms, and you need to chill with that or P will never look at you in that way." I told her truthfully

"That's my daughter to hell with what London does. You need to hurry up and leave her for real Nip, that girl got yo nose wide open." Key said

"I know." I mumbled

"Are y'all still getting married any way?" She asked

"I don't know man, stop asking me damn questions about her. I'm here with you ain't I?" I barked

"Yeah..." she muttered

"Iight then shut up and bring yo self over here." I told her


"Ew...Chris you seriously can't cook!" I laughed as I played in the food Chris called himself cooking

"Shid girl that's A1! Ain't that right Mimi?"He danced around

"No daddy." She pushed her food away and hopped off the stool

"Damn B." I laughed

"Man my food A1. Right M, you got daddy back don't you?" He asked Morgan

"Yes daddy." She smiled. She's such a daddies girl.

"That's right. Give me kiss." Chris leaned over kissing M making making her grab both his cheeks

"Ouch M." He whined

"Stop it daddy." She demanded him to stay still as she expected his face

"What is it daddy?" She asked referring to his freckles

"Freckles." He laughed

"I have dots too?" She asked pointing to her face

"Yeah right there." He touched her nose.

I swear all Chris kids look like him. She has freckles on her cheeks and across her nose, just like Mimi.

"Look mommy." She turned towards me

"I see." I smiled at her

"You want more food " chris asked her

"No way." She ran off leaving me to laugh "I told you that food was nasty." I chuckled at his fallen face

"I don't know what you talking bout my food was bomb girl!" He demanded

"Yeah alright Christopher if you say so." I got off the stool going into his living room.

"What you wanna eat then since I can't cook?" He laughed from the kitchen

"Uh some pizza." I replied picking up the blankets all of us were cuddled on. The girls wanted to watch epic so we all gathered on the sofa to watch the movie. I wish P was here she wanted to see the movie too. I hope she's having fun with her mom though. I wonder how Nip's doing...If he's safe. Pushing them to the back of my mind I changed the channel to tv 1 while reruns of Martian played.

"You want pizza?" He repeated

"Yes please." I sat indian style placing a hand on my over grown belly.

Two more weeks and Nip and I will be blessed with a healthy baby boy. I can't wait for King to see the world, to hold my baby boy and see the bond Nip and him will have.

Chris came into the living room holding his phone to his ear.

"What kind of pizza you want?" He asked me pushing one of the girls toys over to the wall with his foot

"Cheese." I mumbled

"Iight." He finished ordering our food

When he was done he crashed down next to me.

"Wassup?" I asked once I realized he was looking at me for OD long

"How you doing?" He asked me

"Seriously? I'm doing fine Chris." I laughed grabbing a pillow putting it in my lap where he laid his head

"I'm for real. How you feeling." He asked again

"What you mean?" I asked

"You seem stressed." He stared at me

"I mean I am. I'm stressing...." I trailed off "About what?' He asked

"Nip isn't here two weeks before the babies here, he might be facing jail time...I still have a wedding to plan...it's just not what I thought I would be doing before my second kid is born." I said looking at the wall

"Why is Nip in San Fran again?" He asked "To handle legal stuff he said" I repeated

"Oh. Where does P mom stay?" He asked

"Here in L.A" I said

"Why couldn't P stay with you?" He asked

"Court orders. She has to stay with her mom for two weeks." I replied

"Oh." He said

"Oh?" I asked

"Yeah." He looked at me

I just raised my eye brow, what he mean by oh?!

"Look Nip just up and left and took his kid...leaving his pregnant wifey here by her self. Come on now Nip got hella goonz and none of them went with him to handle this legal crap?" He asked

No one went with him...normally when he go out there he has Mouse with him.

"I guess." I shrugged

"Come on London put two and two together ma." He chuckled to him self

"What you mean Chris?" I asked

"...Nothing ma. The pizza will be here shortly. I'ma go take a shower." He lifted his head from my lap going to his room leaving me in the leaving room.

Put two and two together? What was he getting at? Nip wouldn't lie to me.


London in the side bar. :)

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