27: If love is real love can heal pt.2

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Splashing some cold water on my face I looked into the hospital bathroom mirror at my reflection. I looked tired.....and truth be told I was. I was tired of being tired. I tried being the mature adult woman about the situation, but if Chris and Tea wanna play games then so be it I'm just gonna treat them like I treated them at first. Cold hearted. No more helping them out, no more risking my husbands life for someone, No more letting them crash at my crib, No more landing a helping hand when you spit in my face the very moment Chris wakes up. Nah, no I'm not gonna play that woman. A loud knock erupted my thoughts.

"Someone's in here." I grabbed a paper towel to wipe my face.

"It's me babe let me in." Nips voice came out calm and inviting.

I twisted the door knob letting him in.

"What's wrong sweat heart?" He asked pulling the toilet seat down sitting on it pulling me in front of him.

"Being around him and everyone in his family and circle is off...it's uncomfortable." I mumbled

"Then don't come around." He said simply but it wasn't that simple.

"I can't not just come around Nip." I said softly

"Why not? All you have to do is drop M off. Seeing you upset over the dumb stuff he does make ME want to put him in the ground. I give him chance after chance after chance and he keeps messing up. All the WE need to do is focus on this wedding, the kids, and this baby." He rubbed my growing stomach

He made so much sense, he was right. I'm worried about the wrong things, I'm not super woman I can't fix everything and lately that's what I've been trying to do. Fix everything and everyone....I'm not Olivia Pope.

I nodded placing my hand over top of his huge hand as he still rubbed my stomach.

"Why are you so important to me?" I smiled looking down at him

"Because you're important to me. No one else matters but our family." He spoke freely

"You say that you want to put Chris in the ground how come you always look so calm?" I laughed

"Honestly I don't pay attention to Chris and his antics....he just mad, he can say he not and flex like he not; but I know he is. Someone he can't stand helped him out, became friends with his friends, take care of his daughter when he wasn't and marrying the woman he can't have....he hella salty." Nip explained and I couldn't help but laugh because he was so cocky. You couldn't tell him his stuff don't stank because he simply does not care.

"I'm serious." She shrugged

"I know, that's why I'm weak!" I giggled again

"I'm glad I can make you laugh." He smiled rubbing his thumb over my cheek

"I love you." I mumbled

"Love you more." He kissed my hand then my stomach

"And I love you more too kiddo." He mumbled onto my pregnant stomach leaving trails of kisses all around it

"Stop Nip that tickles!" I tried moving his head

"No let me speak to my baby." He moved my hands and kept kissing my stomach

I laughed loudly as he continued 'talking' to the baby. Like it can really hear him. We don't even know what we're having. Due to all over this madness and Chris being in the hospital I didn't want to know the sex of the baby. I'm fairly big leading me to believe that I was having a boy...I hope.

"What do you think we having?" I asked randomly. He looked up at me then placed his ear to my tummy.

After a minute or two he gave me an answer. "A boy." He said simply, this man was so simple. He say and do everything so calmly.

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