36: On the run

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A few weeks later

"Chris we should do something tonight." Kim said tracing the tattoo on my chest.

We were laying in my bed waking up not too long ago.

"I'm getting the girls today." I kept my eyes on the spongebob episode that played on the flat screen.

"Oh okay. We should all do something today then." She suggested

Kim is really cool, we've been hanging out for a few weeks; but I don't know if I want her around my kids just yet.

"I don't know yet, but I'll let you know if I think of something." I said rubbing her arm.

"Okay. Don't forget I have to be at work at 12." She smiled up at me

"Don't YOU forget. I be waking you up then you fall back asleep." I laughed

"No." She pouted

"Low key you do tho." I mushed her head softly

"Alright I do. But it's your job to wake me up. Chrissy!" She smiled

I hate that name. Only one person called me that and that was London.

"Come on with that name." I groaned

"Why don't you like it? I think it's cute." She pinched my cheeks, something else I hated. Only Morgan does that.

She reminds me of a child...I don't like that.

"Cause shits gay." I complained the same reason I don't like London calling me that.

"It's cute." She smiled getting on top of me

"It's gay Kim stop." I replied

"I like it." She started kissing all over me

"Don't start nothing you can't finish." I groaned again

"Who said I couldn't?!" She asked before kissing my neck.


"Alright I'ma call you later." I said shutting Kim's car door

"Alright tell the girls I said hi." She smiled "Iight." I leaned in to kiss her check but she moved her face so I could kiss her lips

"Bye....Chrissy." she waved before pulling off. Laughing lightly to myself I went back into the house to get dressed. Today I get Mimi for good, so I was going to Tae's to say bye.

When I got there Tae's mom was in the living room holding Mimi.

"Hey Chris." She smiled

"Hey Ms. Lisa." I waved

"Daddy!" Mimi ran to me

"Hey mama." I picked her up giving her a big kiss.

"We go?" She asked

"Wait I gotta say bye to yo mama." I said walking to Tae room where she packed her stuff.

"Wassup." I pulled her into a hug

"Hey Chris." She smiled

She was starting to loose more hair. She had it wrapped up in a purple scarf.

"How you doing?" She asked

"I'm straight how YOU doing?" I asked sitting Mimi down on the bed

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me." She laughed waving me off

"It's kinda hard to do that when the mother of my child is going through cancer." I sat down beside her

"I know Chris." She gritted through her teeth

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