29: Giving You Life. pt. 2

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*A few weeks later

"Are you ready? This might be a little cold." My doctor smiled at me as she spread the gel onto my baby bump. I was getting big....too big. Today was my 5 months check up, I was happy to see what I would be having.

"Yes I'm ready." I giggled

These past couple of weeks have been amazing, I don't have to worry about anyone, but the people in my house. Chris still hasn't called regarding to Morgan, but that ain't my problem. I told him to call me....did he? Nope, so why should I reach out to you to remind you about your kid that you made a big deal about seeing not too long ago? Why should I? Am I? No sir I'm not. Next!

Glancing over at Nip's distressed face I noticed that he's been really nervous when ever it comes to seeing the baby. I just think because when P's mom was pregnant with her he wasn't there....he was away so he doesn't know how to react. This is his first child he's really here for during this process.

The cold gel snapped me out my deep thought causing me to zone back into the loud hospital.

"If you look on the screen you can see the head." She pointed out the babies head. The baby was curled up in a ball like a bundle of joy. It brought tears to my eye, gripping my hand tightly Nip smiled at the screen.

"That's his hands...and feet." She pointed with a laser.

"He?" Nip asked

"Yes, congrats you're having a boy." Dr. Smiled at us

"Ahhh king Hayden tho!" Nip put his hand up to his mouth shocked

"We not naming my son King Hayden!" I laughed wiping my face

"Alright man." He tried to keep a straight face

We continued with our check, being informed that the baby was in fact healthy and growing just fine. She wiped the gel off my stomach going to write up my meds.

"You okay baby?" Nip asked me

"I'm fine...the question is are you fine?" I laughed

"Yeah I'm fine...you having my son." He mumbled more to him self

I smiled to myself pulling my shirt down sitting up.

"Hey..mind helping me up?" I laughed again reaching my hand out

"Oh yeah my bad babe." He said helping me up.

"Where we going to next?" He asked as we walked to the front desk to get my meds and sign out.

"Meet with the wedding planner." I mumbled

"Alright." He grabbed our things waving to the nurses

When we pulled up to Mia office I was excited! It's been a while since I've been back here...with everything happening my wedding had to take a back seat, now that's I'm proceeding forward with my life it's important we say I do.

Nip helped me out and then held the door open for me.

"OMG London is that you pregnant woman?!" Mia tried hugging me, but my big ole stomach was in the way.

"Yes it's me in the flesh!" I joked smiling up at nip

"And this must be the lucky nip I've been hearing about." She shook his hand

"Yeah that's my boo!" I patted my hair

"Y'all so crazy, come on so we can get the planning." She led us to her office

"So last time we met up you were trying on your dress." She pointed at me

"Yes." I nodded

"Well I had them re-size it for you, so you'll fit comfortable." She smiled

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