30: Olivia Pope

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Author's note: Sorry that it's taking so long. Like most of you guys know I started school. I'm really not feeling the chapter, but you guys have been waiting long enough. Leave feedback Tell me how you feel. -Kieshanna *******************


"And what is that you want me to do ma?" I asked running my finer along the laced table cloth of my mother's California home. She was here on a 2 day trip and asked for us to all have dinner. Apparently Leah is telling everyone that 'we're not friends.' I could have sworn we we're grown woman. Could have been wrong though. "Talk to the girl!" she said sitting a plate of food in front of us.

"About?" I ran my fingers through my hair

"You need to stop. You're over reacting." she said placing her hands on her hips. "So I've been told." I mumbled I don't care though, I reacted the only way I knew how. She shouldn't have done what she done. Honesty I don't give a damn what any body thinks. Period point blank. "You're just like you father." she shook her head sitting at the table too. Nip was in the living room laying on the sofa, and the girls were in the back yard playing. "So I've been told." I mumbled beginning to eat. I've been told that too. I'm always like my dad when I do something my family didn't approve of. I don't care. I love my mother more than the life I live...but I'll take being like my dad then doing what everyone wants me to do or think to do. "Will you stop and look at the things you're doing! You're willing to blow up your friendship over nothing?" she asked. That pissed me off. "I didn't say we weren't friends- she did! I'm not the one going around telling people either. So who's throwing away their friendship for nothing?" I asked putting my fork in my plate. All week I've been getting 3rd degrees from everyone because I was wrong. Whatever I don't care. "Where are you going?" mama asked "The living room." I mumbled doing just that.

I sat on Nip stomach while he slept. I flicked his nose softly making him jump and wake up.

"Hey wassup." He smiled yawning cutely

"I'm kinda ready to go." I pouted

"Why?" He asked rubbing my sides

"Because mommy keep blaming me getting mad at me." I bit my lip

"Baby girl listen, I love you more then the air I breath, but you can't keep running away from situations you don't wanna deal with." Nip said

"But I'm not." I replied crossing my arms

"Babe you are. You're friends and family is all you gone have, so keep em close. You're not a fixer I get that, but sometimes you gotta amend relationship even if they were wrong." He spoke

".....You have way too much going for you not to have that pretty smile glowing. Now if they don't accept your apology then there's nothing you can do, but smile and keep it pushing." He sat up adjusting me on his lap

"I...I can do that....but I'm no Olivia Pope." I wiped my fallen tears

"And I'm not marrying no Olivia Pope, I just want you to be happy, and this." He pointed at my pouting face

"Ain't happy, so go fix it with yo moms." He said.

"Okay." I mumbled getting up

I went into the kitchen to not see my mom sitting there any more so I knew she must have had to be in the back.

Stepping onto the soft green grass the girls were running around in there bathing suits spraying each other with water while mommy sat pool side.

I sat in the chair beside her.

"You know all I ever wanted for you was to grow up nicely. Having good friends and family." She spoke looking at the girls run and play.

"And I have that and beyond mom." I turned to her

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