24: Shoot and die part 2

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"London baby are you okay?" Mama J asked coming into my room as I was laying down

"Yes ma'am, how you feeling?" I asked sitting up as she brought a tray of food to me. Leah and mama J got here over an hour ago...things been pretty lowkey.

"Worried but I will be okay chile." She smiled

It amazes me how her whole world is crashing down, but she still have a beautiful smile paint on her face.

"Yeah me too." I smiled moving over patting the spot next to me.

"I have a question for you." She folded her hands in her lap once she was in bed.

"Yes mama?" I began to dig into the salad she made for me

"Are you pregnant?" She asked making me chock

She quickly passed me my water that was sitting on the side table.

"You okay?" She rubbed my bad

"Yes I'm fine." I laughed wiping my mouth

"Well are you?" She asked with an eye brow raised

"Yes ma'am." I nodded my head smiling

"And when were you gonna tell me?" She asked

"Well I don't think now was the time." I pointed out

"You're right. Well I'm glad I'm having another grand baby" she smiled

"Same thing my mom said when I told her about 2 weeks ago." I began to eat again

"How is your mother?" She asked engaging in a conversation

"She's fine...crazy but fine nonetheless." I laughed

"I always loved your mother." She started but was cut off by Leah fathead self busting in.

"So y'all two woman having a party without me?!" She asked flopping down in the middle of my bed

"Chile ain't nobody forget your loud self." Mama laughed waving her off making me laugh.

"It's alright mama cause yo dear London is JUST as loud." Leah rolled her eyes. She has attitude for days for no reason.

"I am not loud." I replied making both them look at me

"Okay London." Leah rolled her eyes again

"Oh will you girls behave?" Mama laughed

"She always starting stuff." I put my foot on Leah lap, I love her like my sister.

"Because y'all hurt my feelings leaving me in the living room with ole girl!" She mugged me

"You need to learn how to be nice anyway!" I laughed

"I KNOW you ain't talking. You don't even like her!" She laughed

"Oh but who rocked her jaw?" I raised an eye brow

"YOU DID!" She laughed slapping her knee

"It was never that funny! And you did too so that don't make it better." I pushed her

"So I don't care." She laughed harder

"Shid neither do I!" I playfully rolled my eyes fluffing my hair

"Will you girls stop being mean towards one another." Mama said

"No mama cause London be lowkey bullying me!" Leah pretended to cry making me kiss my teeth hecka hard!

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