32: Song Cry

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I can't see em coming down my eyes So I gotta make the song cry. I can't see em coming down my eyes. So I gotta make the song cry-Jay Z song cry



I sat at Lake Forest on a rock. The wind blew but it didn't faze me at all. The mere moments of my life it seems as though it's a dream...like everything is dream like.

I heard a few sticks break and moving, but I didn't bother to turn around.

"Chris?" Someone said softly

Turning around I seen London standing in the midst of the forest in a big jacket her pregnant belly in view.

"You came." I mumbled

I wasn't sure she was gonna come. I just wanna talk about Morgan.

"I wasn't...but I'm here, so what do you need?" She asked sitting next to me

"You drove here pregnant?" I asked. She looked really big like she was due in days. At first I was upset she was pregnant with the next mans baby, but I'm not ready for that so it's for the best.

"No nip drove me..." she mumbled looking out onto the trees

"He dropped you off?" I asked

"No he's in the car." She mumbled again

"Well I don't wanna hold y'all up, I just wanted to know when can I see Morgan?" I asked

"Chris did you do as I asked you?" She turned to me

"I'm walking ain't I?!" I pointed out

She shook her head.

"See you snapping at me is what got you in the place you in now." She replied smartly

"I'm sorry....it's just everything is falling apart. I got jumped in a comma, I can't go back to work until I'm healed up completely, I can't see my kid, Tae tripping and the trap going ham cause money ain't flowing in like it use to." My problems just seemed to slip out

I've always been a prideful man, so confiding in London isn't easy for me.

"First and foremost how are you? I mean health wise?" She asked

"I'm straight. I mean I can walk and handle myself, but my boss ain't tryna hear that. And I would just pull a job, but being that game dead and crossed us we rollin without a suppler leaving hella dudes with families broke finding a 9 to 5." I looked out beyond us

"Chris why not just work a regular job? Leave the trap for something else?" She asked, but I know London this is the same conversation that we had a good 5 or so years ago that caused major problems between us. I ain't asking no one to feel sorry for me, cause I'ma hold mine, but what I want her to know that this is my life...I didn't just wake up and say 'I'ma be in a gang and make 50 g's a day' it's in my family.

"It ain't that easy, I been doing this since I was 15." I said

"I know I know." She rolled her eyes

Silence fell between the two of us until she decided to break it with a whisper

"I just want for you to be okay."

"And I will be. My kids are the only thing that is making that possible at the moment." I looked at her brown eyes. They were getting wet, I don't need her crying.

"Why you crying London?" I asked

"...because I don't want it to be like this Chris. I don't want to hate you, I don't want to see you struggling. You're the father of my child I care for you and I always will, it's just the things you say and do to me! I start to feel bad for you and you wash it all away." She cried

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