03: The after math

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*Chris Brown

"What was that about?!" Tae snapped as I stared at the spot London once stood in hold my daughter.....my seed I thought she aborted.

"Chris!" Tea snapped her fingers in my face

"Chill out man okay!" I gritted

My mind was racing a mile a minute, I haven't seen that woman in 2 years almost and now she's here...in the flesh.

"Don't tell me to chill out. What was she doing back here." T went on and on

Ain't nobody got time for that. I looked down at my birthday girl Mariah

"Riaha you wanna go with daddy?" I bent down to her

"YES!" She answered

"Let's go then." I picked up her up walking towards the door

"You are not leaving with my kid Chris." Tea yelled

"Shut up!" I mumbled tightly

"Stop making a scene. And I'll take my daughter any where I want to it ain't like you watching her anyway." I mumbled inches away from her face

She said nothing. She done nothing. Tae is quick to put up act about pretty much everything and normally I entertain it, but I ain't got the skills for it today.

"Tell yo mama bye Mariah." I looked at my baby

"Bye mommy." She waved

"Bye baby." Tae had tears in her eyes that I give not one care about

I buckled Mariah in her car seat heading over to the one woman who would know what to do. My mama.


"Ma!" I yelled as I walked through the door

"Boy stop yelling in my house!" She replied

I kissed my lips walking through the living room to see my cuz Austin sitting on the sofa.

"What's good?" I reached for a dap

"Chilling. What's good with you?" He asked

"Man stressing." I replied putting Riaha on the ground watching her take off

"About what?" He asked sitting up

"You'll never guess who I seen today." I began to tell him but before I could my mam's voice cut me off

"Chile stop running in this house before you hurt yourself." She yelled at no other than Mariah. That girl runs every where

"Hey mama" I went to hug her

"Hey that son of mine." She smiled with a dimple deep

"Who you seen today?" Austin asked

"I seen London." I told him watching him break out in the doughie

"Oh my. My London?" Mama asked

"Yeah yo London." I said bitterly

"Yo that was my homie" Austin held his hand up to his mouth

"Where was she?" Mama asked

"The nail salon with her kids." I told her

"Wow she done went and had kids on me. I thought I told her to wait for me." Austin shook his head.

"Oh hush up boy." Mama popped him in the back of the head

"Look Chris I know you still love her baby but" I cut mama off

"I don't love her naw." I replied

She looked at me as if I had 5 heads

"Don't you ever cut me off while I'm talk boy. And you do because you wouldn't have that look on your face!" She said with her hands on her hips

"Now all I'm saying is talk to the child. I know you feel like what she did was wrong, but times have changed so you need to talk to that girl." Mama said

But mama don't always know what she talking about. She never knew London was pregnant, so talking to her will be hella hard.

When London told me she was pregnant I told her to get rid of it because I had just found out that I had a baby with Tae that she was keeping on the low. I wasn't ready to be a daddy to 2 girls, so I told her what I felt like was best for us at that time.

"You'll be Ard yo." Austin patted my shoulder

If only he knew.

*London Scott

"And we have cup cakes?" P asked as I unpacked the food

"If that's what you want." I smiled at her

"Yes I want PINK cupcakes." She said sliding on the kitchen floor in her shocks

"Me too?!" Morgan pointed while Nipsey held her sitting at the kitchen table

"Yes you can some cup cakes too mama" P went over to her

I think their sisterly bond is cute, Even though she understands Morgan isn't her real sister.

"I wike cup cakes." Morgan said laying her head on Nip's chest

"You do mama?" He asked

That's the nick name he gave her the first day he met her. It was cute

"Mmm" she nodded

"You sleepy?" I asked

"No" she said lowly making me laugh

"Yeah you are." I told her

"I not sleepy!" P said still sliding across the floor

"Cause you had that candy. Yo mama shouldn't have gave you all that candy." He said talking about me

"Well she can handle her self. Right P?" I asked setting the table

"Yes I'll be 5 tomorrow." She said helping me

"I know how old you'll be little one." Nipsey ruffled her hair with one hand still holding Morgan

"London daddy mess up my hair." She ran her fingers through her long back hair.

She has hair just like her daddy.

"Yo mama can't do nothing to me." He picked

"Nipsey stop messing with my baby." I said placing the food on the table

"Ard y'all be like that I got Morgan!" He said

"Well go ahead look like your partner went to sleep on you." I laughed as he held a sleeping Morgan

"Ha ha" P laughed too digging into her food

"And she'll still beat y'all up. Don't sleep on my dawg." He mugged us

"Look me and P are scared." I bent down to P sizes and we started shaking

"Y'all lame." Nipsey replied

"Yeah yeah but you still love us." I was about to grab Morgan from his arms

"I got her, go head and eat babe." He kissed my lips

"Ew!" P yelled

"Ew nothing." Nipsey mushed her head

"Stop daddy." She laughed

"Why you and daddy kiss?" She asked me tilting her head to the side once her daddy left

"Because we love each other." I poked her noes

"Can I have kiss?" She asked

"Yes you may." I planted a kiss on her lips then all over her face making her scream

"What y'all in here doing?" Nipsey came back into the kitchen

"London give me kiss because that's what people do when they love each other." P explained to her dad

"Oh. Okay." He sat down at the table and began eating.

Tomorrow's a big day.

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