34: My word

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I waited impatiently for Nip to get home. It's like he tell me not to stress myself out, but yet here he is stressing me out.

I sat in the poorly lit living waiting for his arrival....tired and scared to death. He sounded upset, and like he had no life left in him.

Hearing the car door slam nip walked into the house slamming the door along too.

Not saying anything I left him to calm down. "What's wrong?" I finally asked after a long moment of silence.

Flexing his jaw he answered. "We got robbed."

"What? How?" I asked in a panic

"We were robbed took 50 G's my 50 G's that I broke my back for." He replied harshly

Nip is never the one to trip over money, but taking anything from him is offsetting to him. He goes straight into killing mode.

"That's all they took? Do you know who did it?" I asked walking over to him slowly

"Yeah that's all they took. I don't know who did it." He sat down allowing me to rub his back

"Well at least they didn't take anything else and you're safe. Was they there when you got there?" I asked removing his beanie from his head to rub his long hair

"They were running out. It was a kid a teen no older than 17." He took a deep breath. He seemed really distressed. Like him loosing that much money wasn't the problem but something else was on his mind and heart.

"Is that all? Is something else bothering you Nip?" I asked softly pushing him back slightly so that I could sit in his lap

"What you mean?" He asked me as if I was dumb

"You know what I mean. You seem like something else is bothering you." I replied looking at him

"I'm chilling London." He waved me off and shut the whole conversation down. Looking at the side of his face I got off him.

"Where you going?" He called out behind me

"Be quite before you wake the girls I'm going to sleep." All of a sudden I felt a shift in the room and I didn't like it.

I don't like feeling that from him.

"Why? You just stormed off like that." He was hot on my tail

"Because you were snapping at me and I don't like it Nip." I said cutting off the kitchen light and heading up stairs...still with him hot on my tail.

"I'm sorry I'm just under a lot of pressure. That's all." He pulled my arm so that I could stop walking. By now we were up the steps in the hallway.

"How do you think I feel?! I'm carrying your big headed child who's kicking my tail! My back hurts, my feet hurts, and I'm emotional as hell!" I explained to him

"London I try....I try to be the best I can, but all you do is throw you being pregnant in my face. Like it wasn't a choice we made TOGETHER! You knew what is was gonna be like, and we wanted it...so now WE have it." He stressed.

Ahh there it goes. There goes the fighting and yelling of the night.

"You're just taking your problems out on me!" I yelled

For a slight moment I saw something in his eyes. Hurt.

"No I'm not. You just always using you being pregnant as a gateway and it ain't. You say you hurt, but in a marriage when you hurt I hurt. I help you day in and day out. And you asked if something else was on my mind. Yes I'm scared. Scared for my son. This ain't the life I wanna give him. This the first time I'll be here when one of my kids are born. I missed out on both my girls. London it's a lot of pressure on me, but you don't care all you care about is throwing that it's you who carrying this baby." He finally said walking off leaving me...lost for words and dumbfounded. Completely.

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