Chapter 33: Merciless Mind

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Chapter 33: Merciless Mind

"Oh, look! Our guest is back for fun!"

"Did you miss me, Liebe?"

Feliciano shook his head.

"Please stop. I want to go back to my family. And my amore, per favore." Feliciano pleaded as the men towered over him. These men where horrible creatures, endless torture from them wasn't impossible. The taller and blonde of the two tilted Feliciano's chin to look up.

"It's a shame the annoying vegan tainted you, but I don't mind a used toy." He said and his breath smelled of alcohol and smoke. Similar to his attacker from the other day.

"P-Please stop." Feliciano whimpered in a cowardly and trembling state. The man only chuckled and Northern Italy could only stay paralyzed in fear as the unknown area he was in darkened. Soon the layout was consuming his vision into a black slate and only the man's violet and red eyes could be seen through.

"Come back soon."

"Gah!" Feliciano awoke once again with a pain at his side. Just like before, only this time he wasn't alone in a room.

Countries were sitting in chairs or leaning against the wall and staring at him in shock. Until his brother Romano, who was leaning against the door, gave a hearty laugh and ran to hug the younger Italian.

"Fratello!" Lovino shouted joyfully before pulling away as to not cause his brother pain.

"What happened?" Feliciano asked as he and his brother held hands tightly. He looked around and mentally made a checklist to see which countries were there or not.

He saw Holy Rome, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, Austria, Japan, Prussia, the rest of the Allies, and Seborga. He gave a strained and crooked smile before flinching and turning to his side.

"Don't strain yourself, frère." Francis said in a soft and comforting tone.

The reason everyone wasn't running towards the little nation like Romano had, was because they were questioning what he had been so fearfully mumbling earlier. His voice was layered in unimaginable terror. Tears could not be visible, but they were sure that it wouldn't have been long for them to prick the hazel eyes.

"Fratello, as much as I hate the potato bastards, you will never go without an escort again. Do you understand?" Lovino scolded as he gave a glare to Otto and Ludwig. The blondes straightened themselves and dutifully saluted Romano who saluted back at them.

"Romano, explain what happened." Feliciano begged. He didn't want his memories to be correct. Maybe he just tripped harshly, or got hurt running on Switzerland's borders. Anything but...Anything but what he could remember. As he shifted he heard the bed under him squeak.

The squeaking sound of a rusty bed. Much like the one from the other day. He clamped his eyes shut in fear in remembrance of his numb body being forced into ruthless actions.

"Italia, we wanted to ask you...What can you remember?" Holy Rome asked.

Italy looked up, fear visible in his large amber doe eyes. He shook his head and nearly pulled out his hair as he suddenly felt a rush of painful memories. He started screaming in agony, as if he were being tortured again.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror. Quicker than lightning, Germany was shouting for nurses and Southern Italy was staring with wide eyes as tears dropped. Hungary and Holy Rome were trying to pull Italy's hands from his head as he was about to pull his scalp off.

Italy was having a panic attack and the memories got more clearer. The actions became more vivid and the scenery came into focus but that damned attacker's face was still blurred. Not that he didn't know who they were, he's not an idiot either.

It was no longer safe for Feliciano to trust his own mind, merciless and ruthless mental breakdowns. Deep down, Feliciano felt that those attackers weren't going to end this torture.

There was nothing to help prepare him.

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