Chapter 9: Silenced Voice

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Chapter 9: Silenced Voice

{a/n: does HRE have a human name?}

HRE's heart stopped and he looked beside to find his love looking like he could vomit. Holy Rome dropped the sword and Italy pushed passed him to say comforting words to Germany.

Italy was kneeling to the fallen German's body. He caressed the blonde's cheek and had tears rolling down his tan cheeks.

"Ludwig,you're going to be alright. I'm going to get help right away just stay with me, sí?" Feliciano desperately clung to the German.

HRE was still in shock and slowly made his way to try to comfort Italy. Unfortunately Italy's cry for his injured lover had attracted more unwanted attention. Soon enough Prussia, Austria, Spain, Hungary and S. Italy came running through the halls. Holy Rome felt cornered and vulnerable to the eye. Hungary had her hand locked with Austria's as they looked towards him with disbelief and concern. Prussia was running towards Germany, pushing Italy from him and asking what happened. Romano and Spain were trying to take some information on what the hell was going on but Italy was in awful condition.

Feliciano had Ludwig's blood staining his uniform and he was hyperventilating to an unhealthy extent. Prussia and Austria performed medical procedure on Germany seeing as every other nationality had left prior. Spain called emergencies and they were quicker to arrive since he told them Ludwig was a personification. 

In the meantime Spain was applying pressure to the wound and Prussia had run to get the door. Everything seemed to be happening in a blur and nothing but heavy breathing and white noise could be heard. Not a single line of dialogue was spoken between them until emergencies were let in. It was until Prussia left with Germany in the ambulance vehicle that words were spoken.

"Fratello, are you alright? Come on, idiot and I will take you to see potato bastard. Buona?" Romano tried to comfort his paralyzed in fear brother.

Italy was too in shock. He had just seen his best friend, ally and boyfriend get stabbed by his first love and friend. If that wasn't traumatizing enough his boyfriend was taken to a hospital and they don't even know his condition.

Feliciano got up and was immediately cornered into eye contact with Holy Rome. Blue eyes stared into burning amber eyes. Holy Rome reached towards Italy but Italy jerked away, too scared since HRE still had blood leftover on his cloak.



Instead of creating anymore tension filled conversation, Italy walked out of the room,through the halls, and out the door. He was so done with these situations.

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