Chapter 19: Left Out

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"I've loved you since the 900s."

Italy jolted up with forming tears in his eyes. "No,don't cry. He's alive. He's home. He's safe. He remembers." Italy reminded himself.

He looked around the room with a new panic. "Germany? Germany?!" Feliciano started to panic and tears fell from his eyes. Since his return to his German lover,he had left out one single detail. During his time from home, he seemed to develop an irrational fear of being alone. Monophobia, is what they said. To not worry Germany or the others,he would keep it a secret.

Still,that didn't mean he wouldn't show signs of erratic behaviour. His blurry vision switched from corner to corner in the room,looking for Ludwig. He squeaked quietly when he heard the door unlock and heavy footsteps walk in.

"Feliciano? Are you awa- Feli?! What's wrong?! Why are you cryi-"

Before Ludwig could finish his questions,he was tackled by the lightweight man. Ludwig could only hug back and attempt to calm the emotional mess that was the Italian.

"Ludwig,I thought you left me here! I thought you disappeared,I started getting worried! Then I started crying,I'm so sorry about your shirt!" Italy spoke frantically.

"Why would I leave you? Never,never would I do that Feli. I just went to take the room key down,we should get to the airport soon. Our flight leaves in an hour and security is a pain." Ludwig commented. Feli nodded and smiled. He hopped off the buff man and went into the bathroom to tame his hair.

After the struggle of untying a hair knot,the duo was ready to hop off England and back to Germany. Where the World Meeting was to take place.

–After Security and Inside the Plane–

They always got first class,no matter what. They're bosses insisted on putting them in the highest class for safety measures. They even had undercover security sitting in the front,even though Germany was sure to squash any threats in an instant. Even more so than usual now that Italy was with him.

Italy held Germany's hand tightly as the plane departed from land and ascended into the air. The plane ride wouldn't be awfully long since they were going to Berlin,Germany. Where they would stop at the secretive World Conference.

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