Chaoter 28: Twisted

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Chapter 28: Twisted

Hungary panicked at the phone call she had received. Quickly she dialled Lovino's phone number and waited impatiently.

"What do you want,Hungary?" An angry voice mumbled.

"Lovino,your brother is hurt badly and Holy Rome is waiting by him. You need to get there immediately and make sure he's okay,I'm going to go myself and call Germany. Considering Holy Rome's tone-"

"What happened to my fratello?! How badly injured?! Mio Dio, I have to go!"

Hungary sighed and dialed the next person,Germany.


"Germany, Holy Rome is at Italia's house and says that Feliciano is badly injured. He's already called emergencies and I'm about to go there and so is Lovino. I'm not sure what happened,but it seems drastic."

"What? Feliciano...Thank you,Hungary. I have to go now."

The phone rang dead and Hungary knocked on Austria's study door.

"Roderich,Otto called saying Feliciano is badly wounded! We need to get there immediately!" Hungary shouted. She could hear a slight rustle of noise and the door unlock to see Austria with a determined look.

"We better hurry."

Hungary nodded and the couple drove as quickly as possible.

-At Germany's House-

Germany had been doing work before he was going to pick up Italy for sightseeing. That was until he got the call.

Prussia had walked in on seeing his younger brother leaning against a bookcase with a hand over his face.

"West?! What happened,are you okay?"

"I have to go."

"Wait,get back here! Tell me what happened!"

"Italia is hurt badly and I need to go. I was a fool to let him go back to his house alone. I am always messing up. I have to go."

Germany started up his car and quickly turned his head when the passenger door was opened. Prussia had a very angry yet serious look on his face.

"Holy Rome and Italia are there,so I will go too. Drive already,Ludwig."

Ludwig nodded and he drove out leaving a small cloud of smoke at his trail. But Ludwig had to wonder something:

Why was Prussia so concerned about Holy Rome?

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