Chapter 23: Past of the Forsaken

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Chapter 23: Past of the Forsaken

Holy Rome walked in with Italy and Germany,subtle as to not attract attention. Italy was snatched into a conversation with Japan and Greece and Germany had ended up in conversation with an angry Romano and Spain. Both males getting scolded at for different reasons.

Holy Rome was left wandering around the room awkwardly until someone caught his ears.

"Otto Beilschmit ,huh, I never imagined seeing you again."

Otto turned around to see who the voice belonged to. It was him. It was the man who tried,but does he remember?

"I would have to say the same,Prussia."

The two 'nations' stared intently at each other. Flashbacks of war reminded them of how they really knew each other. Not that anybody else knew,or at least remembered.

"I hear you survived the war,you survived France's attacks. I reckon you still hear him?" Prussia implied.

HRE's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed Prussia from his uniform's collar. Prussia seemed agitated by Holy Rome's sudden actions,but he did not get a chance to protest since Otto dragged him into a storage closet. Closing the door and making sure Prussia wouldn't run,Otto began to speak in a shaky voice.

"H-How do you know a-about what I heard? Did-Did you hear him?" Otto asked.

"You're still confused,aren't you? Don't you get it? You are part of him! You should be thanking him,without my bro-"

"Shut up! Stop it! Why don't you remember? Why don't they remember? So much time has passed and they can't remember me in a single moment. They think I'm new,why was I kept hidden? Why couldn't you let me into the outside when he was let out? Why didn't you tell him of his twin brother? You told me Italy had fallen into the hands of a group called the 'Nazis'! You told me he had no chance of surviving! You told me he died and I wouldn't have a second chance at that love!" Holy Rome was shouting and tears rolled down his face. His knees became weak and he fell down crying.

Prussia smiled softly at his brother. He kneeled down and hugged him.

"If I had told him of a twin,it would have hurt twice as bad."

Holy Rome looked up and asked,"What would have hurt twice as bad?"

Prussia let out a sigh and shook his head sadly.

"The day I lost my brother,the day he became a Nazi. The day he became a corrupt coward. The day he was no longer Germany. " Gilbert paused to wipe his eyes then continued. "It would hurt even more to have let you go outside when war was breaking out. When Italy was not himself, when instead he was a savage creature of evil. He still is trying to recover from it and it's not easy for Japan or Germany either. I did not want you to grow up in that world. I did not want you to become corrupt like them. That is why I kept you hidden until that era was over. Until the nightmare was awoken from. But by the time I returned,you had already started hearing the voice of Germany since both of you are connected. I suppose it is like the Vargas twins. You guys are not created the same time,but the connections are still undeniably there. You need to understand that you both love Italy the same amount. You need to understand that it hurts to be sharing an identity,and most importantly you need to understand that he still does not know that you two are twins."

Holy Rome sighed and nodded. "I am going to try my hardest to understand."

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