Chapter#13 - Friends?

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I walked through the hallways of Hogwarts, I was happy which was kind of strange for me all I've know is saddness.  I walked out into the courtyard and breathed in the fresh air.  Before I see them I can hear them it Granger, Potter and the other one.  They were talking to Hagrid he looked after the magical animals.  I didn't really hear much and I really didn't care until I heards something about a three headed dog.  I looked over, and then Granger noticed that I had been listening. 

"come on let's go talk somewhere else where listening ears can't hear" she said 
I shook my head she was so up herself.  I then sat down on one of the outside chairs and opened up fantastic beasts and where to find them.  I really like it and for some reason I really wanted to see a unicorn.  I stayed there until I had finished it.  It really didn't take long at all. 

"whatya reading?" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw another one of those boys that I met when I was at platform 9 3/4.  he had black thick hair and hazel brown eyes.  
"I actually finished it" I said 
"oh well could you help me then?" he said holding up his own copy of the book.  
"umm...sure" I said getting up and walking over to him, 
"I'm Zayn by the way" he said winking 
I smiled "Dany" I said 
"so do you want to go to the library?" he said 
"sure" I said, we started walking in the direction of the Hogwarts' Library 
"is all you say is sure?" he said smiling 
"sure" I said
"haha your funny, I didn't think you would have been funny" he said 
"really?" I said 
"Ha look you say more than sure" he said 
"smarty pant" I said 
"why aren't I a smart ass?" Zayn said 
"because Liam's the smart ass" I said 
"oh really" he said "what about Niall, Harry and Louis" 
"I don't know about Niall and I haven't meant the other to properly" I said 
"oh okay" Zayn said
"well here we are" I said as we stood in front of the huge library doors. 

Zayn and I sat down at one of the many tables that were in the liabrary we went through the 
fantastic beasts and where to find them so many times.  He wrote down some notes in his book.  After we had finished studying we went to see who could find the biggest book in the library.  He won but I can't remember what the book was called.  It was getting dark and the liabray closed for the night. Zayn walked me back to my common room all the way back we talked and talked about the art work around the school and about books of course.  I felt like he understood me that would be a first for me.  When we came to my common room door, I suddenly felt sad I turned and looked at Zayn. 

“Well I guess I’ll see you around” he said
“Yea” I said with half a smile,
“I really like spending this afternoon with you Dany” he said “maybe we could do it again sometime” 
“I would really like that” I said hugging him tight, I felt his arms slowly come around me.
“Thanks for being my friend Zayn” I said,
“Thanks for being mine” he said and broke the hug.
“See ya” I said micking it in his voice. 
“Haha” he laughed, then he turned and walked down the hall to his common room.  I turned and opened the door to my common room.  I walked into my room that I shared with some other girls that I couldn’t be bothered to learn their names.  I walked up to my bed and lied down, I intensely fell asleep thinking that Hogwarts wasn’t that bad at all.  

Voldemort's Daughter - (Under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora