Can i vent to yall real quick ?

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Have you ever felt like you've been trying ? Like really trying ?
And nothing seems to go right for you ?
You ever felt like you just wanna smoke away all problems ?
Or do some stupid shit like try and overdose or cut yourself possibly even hang ?
I'm not a suicidal person or anything but my life is extremely hectic ... I have a lot going for me in life and I know that so therefore I can't fuck it up by thinking about all the shit that's going on in this moment because thinking in the moment can fuck me up in the future .
But honestly guys I'm just so overly done with life I don't know how many times I can honestly say I haven't thought about a suicidal thought just once ....
Well because it's not true . I just feel like this is the only place I can be me . I've built up a fan base online through social media sites such as younow , Instagram , and snapchat and I love how much y'all really rock with me I do . Do I feel like I can't lie to y'all or hold nothing back from y'all. But since I love y'all so much I have to be honest with you and tell you that I cannot finish this story right now . I'm not in the right head space to finish this story . I wouldn't mind if one of you guys took over and continued but some of my fans won't like that because of the way I already have everything set . So........... I guess you guys are just gonna have to wait until I come back . I can't hide anything from you guys because well I love and respect y'all too much . You guys are like my family in a way and yeah just promise me when I do come back y'all will still be loyal , until further notice I'm out I love you guys

#majors #majorettes 💕🙆🏽

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