Chapter 9.)

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Guys I've been sick so sorry for not updating

Will pov: I was in the studio working on a new song with my new partner jewelz when I got a call from my mom telling me my little brother was in the hospital. I left from the studio and made my way to the hospital as soon as possible. When I got there I went to the desk and seen Nya "your mom and Chris is in room 306" she told me with a smile "thanks Nya" I said. Nya was a girl that I used to talk to last year we didn't get past the talking stage because she didn't know herself that much and now she has a girl friend "um will!" She said calling me back to the desk "wassup Ny?" I asked her "your ex girlfriend is here too" she told me. I frowned "which one?" I asked her "Asia" she said my eyes widened I haven't seen Asia in 5 years since she found out that I had sex with her cousin Jasmine while we were together. I nodded my head "thanks Ny" I said "no problem if you want to see her she's in room 314" she told me. A part of me wanted to go and see Asia but then the other part of me still believed that she hated me and would want to mess my whole face up I sighed and just walked into Chris's room seeing my mom sitting next to him "what happened ma?" I asked her "he was outside playing with the neighbors like usual and i don't know they said he just flew like something picked him up into the air and dropped him" I furrowed my eyes beyond confused "he was lifted into the air and dropped? Ma that don't sound right." "It didn't to me either until the lie detector test came back that the neighbors weren't lying" she responded my eyes widened "his arm is broken he had to wear a cast until it heals" "that's all that's wrong?" I asked my mom she nodded her head I walked out the room and went to the front desk "aye Ny" I said taking her phone out her hand hanging up on her girl friend "no taking personal calls while you at work" I said "willllllll that's so rude she's gonna kill me is that why you called me seriously?" "No idiot. What do you know about like ghost and stuff?" I asked her she looked taking back by my question "well I did have an encounter with one before. Well my family did. They go after people that is close to the main person their after until they can get that person for good. Why?" She asked me. I shook my head "nothing" I said starting to walk away "will can I have my phone back?" She asked me I looked at her then the phone that was still in my hand I smirked and bit my lip "nah, you gon have to get it yourself" I said putting it in my pants her eyes widened "will I have a girlfriend!" "So? I guess you don't want your phone" I said walking towards Chris's room again I then bumped into a smaller figure "oh shit my ba-" I stopped once I realized who it was "A-a-Asia" I said she looked up at me and her slight smile faded "uh hey will" "how are you?" I asked her she looked good like real good she was way thicker than she was 5 years ago her ass was bigger Lucas must be clapping them cheeks I examined her well I looked at her hand "your married?" I asked her "let's be honest does it matter will?" She said "why are you in here Asia?" I asked her she looked down then looked back up at me and crossed her arms "doesn't matter, I'm okay" "Asia I know that you hate my guts and probably want to rip out my heart and feed it to dogs or something but seriously I'm being genuine here... Are you okay" I asked her "rip your heart out? Feed it to dogs? What heart will? You surely didn't have one when you fucked my cousin while we were together. You surely didn't have one when I found out at my own party. So let me ask you that question one more time... What heart will?" She said with tears forming in her eyes before I could reply I heard my mom call my name Asia and I both turned around "oh my gosh Asia ! Hey baby!" "Hi how are you?" Asia said smiling "I'm good why are you here?" "Oh I've been checked in for a while something happened I'm okay though and why are you here?" Asia asked my mom "something happened to Chris he was like thrown in the air and then dropped" my mom explained Asia's eyes grew wide "omg is he okay!" She asked. I watched Asia's reaction she didn't find that impossible like how I did when my mom first told me about it, which made me curious. What the hell was going on here? "He's fine only s broken arm he just woke up" "well give him a lot of kisses for me I gotta get back" Asia said "ma I'll be with you guys soon" "Asia!" She turned around in my direction "what?" "You wasn't surprised by what happened why?" I asked lifting an eyebrow "the less you know. The better. I don't need you in my life anymore. I could handle this on my own with the boys." She told me walking away to her room. I needed to figure out what was going on and fast. Maybe knowing what's going on is the only way I can be apart of Asia's life again. I felt something vibrating inside my pants and I pulled it out "oh Ny's phone" I said out loud I walked to the front desk and handed her, her vibrating phone "it was vibrating on something it shouldn't have been vibrating on... Kinda made my dick wet a little" I said to her "she laughed "oh my gosh will there is no way in hell IM putting my ears to that thing" "guess you won't be talking to your girlfriend then" I said about to pick the phone back up , she snatched the phone off the counter quickly and answered it "hey babe" she said she looked at my and stuck out her tongue "chill before that tongue ends up on other places" I said looking down just then I seen Lucas walk out "wassup Nya can you give these to Asia for me?" He asked her how did Lucas know Nya? "Yeah sure no problem." She said after he handed her what ever it was he left out the hospital "yo Ny how you know Lucas?" I asked her she shrugged "we used to mess around a few months ago "isn't him and Asia married?" I asked "engaged... Yeah. Oh well. She lost a baby stopped having sex with him he was sexually frustrated and well I was there" I raised an eyebrow "ight." I said Asia lost a baby? Damn now that must be hard...

Guys do you see a pattern yet from love games and Déjá vu?
Lucas cheated
Asia loosing a baby
Will is back in the picture
Lucas and will fucked with the same girl
Omg omg omg

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