Chapter 7.)

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Guys I almost fought today at school. I'm posting this from school I took the anger I had and wrote this chapter fuck writers block 🖕🏽 I literally deleted everything I had written before and wrote this chapter all over again.

Kyrin pov: "take my hand and follow me" Nyasia told me, I looked at her funny "take your hand and follow you?" I asked "yes, follow me up the stairs into your moms room" she said I looked around staring at my dad, uncle djaay, Lucas and everyone else, the nodded their heads I grabbed a hold of her hand I followed her as she guided me to my moms room. Everyone was following behind me... "Lay down on your moms side of the bed... On your back" she told me I did as told I was being watched by all the guys. I'm scared, I'm not gonna lie to you. My cousin is talking to me and we'll she's... Dead. She's a freaking ghost. My mom can talk to the dead too. What? Are we like some form of chosen ones or something like that? I sighed. After getting on my moms side of the bed and laying on my back I waited for further directions. "Close your eyes" she said "close my eyes ? What are you gonna do rape me? I watched haunted house and haunted house 2 I know how y'all ghost be getting down sometimes." I said she laughed along with everyone else in the room "I'm your cousin and two I'm not a ghost I'm your guardian angel I'm here to protect you not harm you. Close your eyes so you can see what's going on. I'm taking you to my world." She told me I finally closed my eyes and let my body ease. I wiped everything clear of my mind... "Do it for your mom." I said to myself out loud next thing I know I felt my body bring moved, I tried opening my eyes but they felt as if they were glued shut. I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit. It felt like my body was being risen up somewhere but I couldn't move I felt myself drop "ow" I said I opened my eyes to see what had happened. "Oh my god" I said looking around "this is my world. I've seen yours and now you get to see mine." Nyasia told me, I frowned "but the difference is you can pop up when ever you want." I said "hmm you can too, just do the same thing we went through in your moms room. You can do it anywhere but the energy level in your moms room is high considering that's where Camilla's cousin had pushed her down the stairs from." Nyasia said "Lucas didn't push my mom?" I asked "yes. But not that hard. He would never do anything like that...he loves her, it's obvious." She told me. I sighed still looking around "this is heaven?" I asked her she nodded her head "why doesn't it look like it then?" She sighed "Camilla's family somehow crossed through our side from hell and started some form of war. Right now we're in a battle zone." She said she grabbed my hand and guided me somewhere I seen this lady laying down, she looked hurt "mom kyrin is here" I looked at the women she had similar traits of my mom "aunt Leticia?" I asked she smiled and nodded her head and put her hand on my cheek "it's nice to meet you kyrin." She told me I nodded my head "kyrin you need to go to the hospital and make your mom drink this" she said handing me a small little bottle with one form of liquid in it "I took my portion it's up to her to take hers... Kyrin. Make Lucas fall out of love with your mom" she told me I was too shocked I couldn't do that, I couldn't make my mom fall out of love with the love of her life I swallowed hard and nodded my head. I didn't know how I was gonna do it but I had to. I didn't want to though breaking my moms heart... Her and Lucas have been together for years and I didn't want my mom to go through any form of hurt all because of... Me. "How do I get out of here?" I asked them "close your eyes clear your mind of everything then when you open them again you'll be back home" Nyasia told me I nodded my head and did as she said. I closed my eyes clearing my mind "do this for your mom" I said to myself out loud once again. When I opened my eyes I was back on my moms bed I got up quickly and checked my pockets and seen the liquid nasty looking substance that aunt Leticia had given me to give me to give to my mom. "Kyrin how was it?" Dillyn asked me I shook my head "it was terrible, heaven isn't supposed to look the way that it looked when I was there. Nyasia was telling me that uh Camilla's family from hell somehow got in and now they are all in some sort of war. Aunt Leticia gave me this" I said holding it up "we have to get to the hospital now. It's for mom. Aunt Leticia took her portion it's up to mom to take hers and they'll both get better. She didn't tell me if there was a time limit or any of that all she said was give it to mom and I want to give it to mom right now." We all went to the car and drove off to the hospital "did Nyasia or Leticia say anything else?" Uncle djaay asked me I nodded my head yes, he looked at me waiting for me to explain I stayed shut "well.....?" He asked me "you need to learn patience" I said looking up from my phone he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his phone which buzzed and looked back at me. I nodded my head slowly "I don't know if I can do it uncle djaay" I said he sighed understanding where I was coming from. When we arrived to the hospital everyone stayed in front of uncle djaay and I so we could talk "you don't want to do it do you?" He asked me "I don't have any problems with Lucas unc, mom is in love with him. Mom loves that man that's gonna hurt seeing someone she loves fall out of love with her. How do I even make that happen?" I asked "if anybody knows how to do it... It would be you. You're a smart kid. But I'll help, I'll talk to dillyn too." He told me I nodded my head. We got to moms room and she was laying there, stable but unconscious it pained me to see my mom like this I sighed I took the little bottle filled with the liquid fluid that Letitia gave me and sighed I opened moms mouth slightly opened the bottle and put the fluid in her mouth. We all sat down for a while and waited until it worked... Was my mom gonna wake up or was she gone completely? We all heard her monitor beep flat and everyone's face filled with worry Lucas went to go get a doctor I looked up at uncle djaay "what's wrong with mom! What's happening to her? Is she okay?" Nobody was answering my questions but instead I seen a doctor run in here with a whole bunch of nurses they had some electro shock thing "clear" I heard them say they put the thing on my moms body and her body shook. "Clear" they said doing it again. The doctor turned to us and looked at us sadly "I'm sorry but I think she may be gone" he said to us. My heart dropped... My mom? Gone? "What do you mean she's gone?" I yelled "fix this! Make my mom okay again! Now!" I said with tears in my eyes. My legs felt weak and I dropped to the floor in tears. My life was so hectic and I didn't know what the heck was going on it all happened so fast. How did all of this start? Uncle djaay picked me up and brought me to the car "you want something to eat little one? You want some rest?" He asked me, I looked up at him my eyes blood shot red and stuffy nose from crying. I just looked at him and said nothing. I wasn't in the mood to be bothered my mom is... Dead. The only person I could blame was Lucas his fault or not. It was his fault my mom fell down those stairs.

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