Chapter 16

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The picture of is a picture of me. I actually like it and how it came out I took it specifically for this chapter because of what's going on with Asia in the book

Asia pov: I woke up tied to a bed both my hands and feet I strangled to get out "ugh" I grunted pulling on the hand cuffs. I looked at my side and seen Daniel and djaay and kyrin sitting in tears "why the fuck am I tied up and why won't you guys help me out" I yelled. "We can't let you go until Camilla is killed Asia" djaay said to me I looked at him weird "one of Camilla's family members from the after life's soul is in you. They take over your body at times and you can't control it." Daniel explained to me I was confused as to what he was talking about. "Owww" I cried out in pain there was a pain in my side and I couldn't do anything about it. I was squirming around and then I seen nothing but black.

Daniel pov: after Asia woke up she talked to us for a while before Camilla's family member "Aaliyah" took back over Asia's body "missed me?" She asked turning her head to face us. Kyrin jumped back scared Asia's voice wasn't even the same her natural hazel eyes were now red. "What do you want with my mom?" Kyrin cried "hmmmmm nothing really mommy is gonna die soon just know that. The longer I stay trapped in her body I become her... This will be my body and well you have no mom" Aaliyah laughed. This wasn't funny it was twisted "when are you guys gonna let me roam and get out these chains" she said pulling on them "not until your fully out of Asia's body" "good luck finding Camilla" she laughed.
I got a call on my phone and answered it, it was Lucas " hello?" "Where's Asia" he asked me "Asia isn't really Asia right now Asia is Aaliyah Camilla's cousin trapped in Asia's body. Lucas if your with Camilla or know where she is you have to kill her bro or Asia will leave us forever" I explained "what are you talking about?" "Bro kill Camilla I'm sorry bro but it needs to be done. If you care about Asia the way you say you do Camilla needs to die." With that being said I hung up and only hopes he did the right thing. For Asia.

Lucas pov: I heard the hurt and stress in diggy's voice he was serious I knew Asia wasn't taking me back but if it was this serious I needed to do it for her. Camilla and I were in Atlanta right now in a hotel honestly this bitch was crazy something was wrong with her I had to plan something out while she wasn't here our relationship was based on sex I can have sex with her tonight and just stab her or something idk but I'll try. I placed a knife at the side of the bed I've been sleeping on tucked underneath the pillow

It was around 12 and Camilla and I just got into the house we had went out to a club and enjoyed ourselves I got in the shower to get ready for bed and Camilla joined me. She rubbed soap all over my back and kissed on my neck I turned around and kissed on her she bent down and looked up at me taking my dick in her mouth whole. As she looked at me she sucked my dick and it felt extremely good. I picked her up we washed up and made our way to the bed leaving the shower still on after all the foreplay we finally ended up on my side of the bed she was on the bottom and I was on the top I inserted myself inside of her and started stroking inside of her I looked at her face and read the love all over her face to be honest I didn't love her this was just... Lust to me. That's when it hit me I really fucked up with Asia I continued to pump in side of her faster and faster as her moans took over the room I flipped her over and she was on her hands and knees I was getting ready for these backshots like no other as she threw it back on me I slipped my hand under neath the pillow like it was nothing and felt the knife wasn't there and I seen it in her hand. I pulled out of her and she attacked me with the knife "you were trying to kill me Lucas" she yelled "baby no of course not we're together and we're having this baby" I told her she broke down crying. Wasn't this crazy bitch just mad a second ago she fell down to her knees and all I payed attention to was her boobs bouncing up and down "baby push the knife away and give me a hug" I said I kneeled down as she pushed the knife away and hugged her. When she wasn't looking I grabbed the knit and pulled away stabbing her into her chest her naked body fell to to floor as she stared at me "I -I thought you loved me" she said I nodded my head "I have love for you I love Asia" she opened her mouth to speak again but blood kept coming out and then she just laid there eyes wide opened not moving nothing I leaned over her bloody body and closed her eyes "rest easy" I said out loud i got dressed and took all my belongings making my way back to the airport I needed to be home.

Kyrin pov: we was talking to this demon inside my mom figuring out answers when she screamed out a painful scream her eyes went from the red that they were to black then they closed. Dad uncle djaay and I were watching this demons soul be lifted into mid air out of my moms body and just like that it disappeared. We looked back at my mom who was still out and I silently prayed she'd wake up in about 20 minutes her eyes popped open and she groaned she looked like she seen a ghost or something

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