Chapter 21

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Jasmine pov: having Asia and Diggy have me here despite what I did to Asia is freaking amazing. I'm kinda glad Asia is my cousin, she has a good heart. Anyone else would've been like "yeah no bitch go ahead and rot" since I've been staying here with them Russy and I have developed a relationship I really really really do like him and have never felt his way about a guy before. Right now him and I were waiting for kyrin's teacher to leave the house. "Ky what do you want to do?" He shrugged his shoulders "I think I'm gonna go out back and play ball" he said about to go upstairs "how about we all go out to get some pizza and go to the mall" I suggested he shrugged "yeah sure I guess, I'll go change." Kyrin said continuing to walk upstairs I sighed and turned to russy. "He hates me" I whined "no he doesn't babe. He's just not use to you, that's all. You left when he was a baby still and only came around him a maximum of what 5 times while he was growing up? He knows what you did to his mom, he's a smart kid just chill" he explained to me , I groaned a little " i know I haven't been a part of his life really but I'm trying to make it up now" I said "baby don't worry about it just give him time" he said leaning over and lifting my head up to face him and kissing me on my lips. I felt like a little kid when he did that. I had the butterflies, I started blushing hard as hell. kyrin had came back downstairs a few moments later dressed and ready to go we all had walked out the door together and got I the car "you know what no offense but I don't want to be here with you.. can you guys just call my mom and dad so I could leave" I looked in the back seat and sighed and then looked at russy "alright go back in the house and call them ky" "I don't know where my phone is" he said responding back to russy "oh here you go I took it to bring it to the car for you" I said handing it to him. He looked at me weird before taking his phone out of my hands and got out the car walking back into the house. I turned and faced russy and he shrugged "see. It's not in my head, he doesn't like me babe." I whined to russy "I think you're being over dramatic jas just a little" I looked at him blankly I wasn't being over dramatic ky really didn't like me and honestly I wanted to know why. Just as russy began pulling out of the house Diggy and Asia came pulling in with some two girls in the back seat one of them looked extremely familiar I didn't pay it any mind though I'll wait until we come back to see who it is.

Diggy Pov: on our way back to the house Asia had gotten a call from kyrin asking us to please come home we thought something was wrong when he said that. We panicked and thought something was wrong with him but he told us he was fine and that he didn't want to go out anywhere with Jasmine. Honestly kyrin wasn't a big fan of Jasmine yet and it was going to take some time but with the way kyrin asks he's very blunt he doesn't care if he hurts your feelings or not. That's just the way it is with him. As I was driving up to the house I seen Jasmine and russy in the car getting ready to pull out. Jasmine was looking in the car very intensely like she was thinking about something then she opened the car and jumped out my eyes popped what the fuck was wrong with this family? Seems like all the females in it are crazy as fuck. Russ stopped the car and looked at her like she was crazy she walked up to the car and looked in the backseat looking at Leticia as if she was studying her. Then the tears formed Asia opened her car door and walked outside as Leticia did the same "oh my gosh." Jasmine said covering her mouth she pointed at Leticia weakly and Leticia stood before her smiling "I thought you were dead" Jasmine said weakly just then russy came out the car he knew everything that was going on I never kept my brother out of anything he just decided to be with Jasmine all the time because he was falling for her. "No. I faked my death and uh moved to an island. I'm back now though." Leticia lied right through her teeth I sighed out of relief thanking God that she nailed that perfectly because I want trying to deal with any drama in this house. I still had to talk to kyrin about being so rude and distant to Jasmine I rubbed my hands over my face slightly aggravated within everything that has been going on. "How? We were at the hospital. You were gone" Leticia laughed "I had some really great doctors I faked my death because I had to much stress around me and I wanted my baby with dillyn to be a healthy one" she explained to Jasmine. I looked at the girls and drove deeper into the drive way and Russ walked up to me "that's Leticia bro?" Russ asked me I nodded my head and sighed "damn her and Asia look like sisters... Twins. Not no damn cousins" he said I laughed a little to myself because well it was true. Within the last five years Asia actually grew more into her body she was thicker and fuller what Leticia looked like now so now they both looked alike the only difference they had were their hair Asia's hair right now was black with light brown highlights leticia's hair was brown so if they were to dye their hair the same color I'd probably be assed out along with everyone else because you can't tell which one is which. We all got in the house and the first thing I did was walk into kyrin's room to see him on his xbox I sighed and walked up to him "wassup ky" I said he looked at me pausing his game "nothing really" he said "you good?" He nodded his head "why can't you seem to stay around Jasmine?" I asked him "dad ion know ion trust her you know? I get this bad vibe about her like she's up to something or has some form of bad intentions or somethings just wrong with her so for the past few days I've just been dolo I mean weeks ago she was okay now every time I'm near her it's like a cold energy is forming around me." He explained to me I nodded my head understanding what he was saying I was just hoping that no shit pops up no time soon because I have a tour coming up that Asia has to part take in and she has photoshoots left and right "well ky listen you know Nyasia and Leticia ? They are here. Don't ask questions because we don't know much but their alive and yes you can touch them. The lie around Jasmine is Leticia faked her death and moved to an island" he nodded his head "so... What? They staying here or something?" He asked me I sighed and nodded my head not liking that their were so many people staying with us "with what space dad?" I rubbed my temples trying to keep my stress level down "Jasmine and russy will sleep in the same room, your mom and I sleep together, you had your room then Nyasia could sleep with her mom in the other room or we could give her the blow up bed and put it in here so she could sleep in here with you and play games and stuff" he shook his head viciously "nah you straight bugging she may be family but this? This right here. This is my spot" I laughed at him as Asia walked in "what's going on here?" She asked smiling "just a father son talk" I responded looking into her beautiful eyes she nodded her head "Daniel come here really quickly" she said I nodded my head and got up walking out of kyrin's room closing his door behind me. I walked into my room with Asia and closed the door "wassup?" I asked her "you tell me dan. I see you've been stressing yourself out" she said looking at me in the eyes like she understood my pain I nodded and sighed "yeah" "alright how about this... Tonight I'll run you a hot shower, I'll give you a back massage, we can watch movies and just talk" she said "alright baby sounds like a plan" I said kissing her before we walked back down the stairs maybe that's what I needed.

Sorry guys I haven't been updating and that this is a boring chapter but it'll continue to get better I've been on my spring break and yeah so yeah I haven't had time to post

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