Centaurs make good mates

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Holly's in the forbidden forest again. It's basically the only date that Storme can take her on.

I wonder what would happen if a human and a centaur had children... Would they be, like, quarter horse?

To be honest, I wouldn't like to find out.

I sit by the fire in the common room, my head lolling, only half-listening to sable, when I hear my name being called echoey.

My dads head is in the fire.

I jump up and look into it, with a cry of "dad?"

"Hi Ari, just to ask you something." Dad says.

"Yeah? What's up?" I answer.

"Are you going out with Scorpius Malfoy?" Dad looks me dead in the eye, at least he tries to. The flickering firelight beams off my face, and I look into the depths of the fire.

"Yes, dad, I'm sorry. I've met Draco Malfoy too." A single tear drops down my face in horrifying reminiscence.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?" Dad thunders, making mum (on the other end) shriek my dads name.

"H-h-he broke my wrist... And hit my head. And he cut Scorpius with a kitchen knife." I whisper into the fire, showing my dad the scarring where my bone poked through my skin.

"I'm going to kill him." Dad said... But his mouth didn't move. Then I saw my brother James appear next to Dad.

"Jamesie, don't be foolish. He's back in Azkaban anyways." I mutter through my humiliation.

Scorpius comes up behind me, and is visible in the fire.

"Hi sir. I just wanted to say that I formally apologise for the actions of my Father. He's an awful awful person and I hate that I am even related to him," Scorpius puts his arm around me, "I'm a true Gryffindor, not Slytherin."

"Very well, Scorpius. I'm glad to hear it." My dad says stiffly, as though he cannot bear to actually tolerate a malfoy.

"Thank you sir. It means a lot, you'll see that I really adore your daughter, and I'm so grateful for your agreement." Scorpius smiles at my shellshocked Dad.

"Ari, I must go, James is leaving for night shift in ten minutes at the ministry. Say buh-bye!" Dad smiles, and James says Bye too.

"Bye dad!" Dad leaves the fire and Scorpius gives me a strong but gentle kiss.

"I'm so, so happy..." He mutters into my lips.

"Me too, babe. Me too."

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now