The hogwarts express- part II

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"Really, scorp?" I ask doubtfully. Every family member he knows of is a Slytherin.

"Yes. I'm sick of having to carry dad's reputation around my neck like a collar." He says, pointing at his Gryffindor badge.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The witch asks.

"Yeah please! Two pumpkin pasties, two bottles of butter beer, two Bertie bots every flavour beans, two droobles and nine chocolate frogs please..." I say, counting out eight sickles and four knuts.

"Thanks, dear." The witch smiles, handing me my bag full of goodies.

"You're hungry, ari." Scorpius calls.

I close the compartment door, saying "I hope you are too."

"No, I can't accept that!" Scorpius says stubbornly.

"Yes you can." I say bluntly, shoving a pumpkin pasty in his mouth.

"Fffaaannnxxxx awwrreiiinnna..." He says, his voice muffled by the pasty.

"Yoouuuuwwww wwweeellcommmm!" I say, slopping butterbeer down my front.

When we finish the pasties, I throw him a chocolate frog.

"Wow! I got Agrippa!" Scorpius yells.

"No way! I'll trade you Amelia bones for her!" I shriek "it's one I'm missing!"

"Okay, you can have her..." Scorpius laughs, holding out the card.

"Yaaayyy!" I dance around the compartment.

The door slides open when I'm dancing.

"Hello, Ariana. Are you trying to get the wrackspurts away?" Says a voice.

"FREYA!" I yell, hugging my cousin.

She's the daughter of Luna lovegood and my uncle, George weasley. I know, unlikely match. Apparently they met when Luna offered to help out at the shop. They worked together to make a new recipe for "u-no-poo" using gurdyroot.

"Hi Ariana, hello Scorpius. I thought I'd tell you you need to put on your robes, we're nearing Hogwarts."

"Thanks freya. See ya!" I smile.

I pull out my robes and uniform, about to change when I realise Scorpius is still here.

"You're quiet." I say.

"Well, I was wondering how long it was going to take you to realise I'm a boy." He laughs, winks, gets his own robes and walks out.

I pull off my leggings, and pull on a Hogwarts skirt and shoes and socks. I pull of my top, and reach for my shirt and jumper when the door opens. I shriek, holding the jumper up to my chest.

"Scorpius! GET OUT!" I squeal.

"Aahhh! Okay! I'm sorry!" He closes his eyes and walks out.

I pull on my shirt and jumper and tie and robes.

"Come in now scorp." I yell, opening the door.

He makes an agonised groan.
"Sorry, ari..." He says, blushing.

"It's okay..." I suddenly start laughing uncontrollably.

"We're at Hogwarts now, you two."
Freya pops her head round the door.


Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now