The hat's warning

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Thankfully, scorpius and I are sat next to each other this year.

Professor McGonagall, the headmistress, is standing in front of Dumbledore's ornate bird scroll- opener. "Now for the sorting!"

When we are all seated, the first years trek in, in a crocodile line following professor brown, the transfiguration teacher.

The hat started to sing loudly-
"When I was brought back from Neville's head,
more than twenty years ago,
Dear Minerva mcgonagall,
she restored me from the dead
I'm here to give a warning
but a song you'll get instead!
In rivalry and house friction,
I foresee a lovestruck pair,
They will be together,
Despite the warnings, I will prepare.
So Gryffindor and Slytherin families
And hufflepuff and ravenclaw's
Must come together,
and find that there is no law
For them to not be together,
To love will make us win!

A loud outbreak of clapping breaks out, then silence broken by professor brown.

"Archer, Blaine"
The hat is placed on his head

"Brookes, Lolita"

"Bones, Cassandra"

Professor brown works her way through the names, until,

"Young, Chris"

"Now, eat!" McGonagall laughs.

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