Christmas- part I

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Dear Ariana, and Lily and Albus if you're there.

Hello, my beautiful girl! It's good to hear from you, even if it is about our poor kreacher. Yes, we found him dead last week, and he's now buried right next to your grandparents.

The story is that I gave kreacher the locket when I was searching for horcruxes. He had done something good for me, so I gave him the fake horcrux, the locket. Ariana potter, you must keep this on your person at all times. Your mum and I  think kreacher placed an enchantment on it, keeping a member of my family safe. You must never let anyone else wear it. Ever.

On a nicer note, merry Christmas, my special girl! Enclosed is a package, a present for lily and Albus too.

Lots and lots of love from dad and mum.

P.s. Hi ari! I wanted to say- keep out of trouble, sis. We all know what you're like! A ton of love from your big brother James xxxxxxxx

I sit and stare at the chunky package. I walk over to my dresser where the locket is stashed and slip it over my head.

"Ariana?" Sable calls.

"Yeah, just got my Christmas prezzie off mum and dad." I don't think I could trust her that much yet. I've only known her for a week or so.

"Coming, Sable?" We get changed quickly and run off.

I decide to wear a light blue dress which ends just above my knees with a lace neckline, hopefully showing my better features and hiding my worse ones.

Rose, Freya, Scorpius, lily, Albus and some of my siblings' friends are sitting in the common room.

"Hey, lil, alb, I got presents off mum and dad for you. And Freya, rose, Sable and Scorpius, I'll give you yours in one sec, they're coming in owl post." I smile, passing lily and Albus their presents and sitting next to my friends.

I'm passed a large pile of presents and I squeal excitedly. I'm like a five year old when it comes to presents.

I get-
A fine new quill from lily
A broom servicing kit from Albus
A large box of chocolate cauldrons from Freya and rose
A pair of handmade pink kitten socks from Sable
A bracelet from Aunty Hermione and uncle Ron
And a pair of earrings from mum and dad.

I save Scorpius' present for when we're alone.

I mainly get people books-
Rose and Freya- matching 'how to charm Wizards' books.
Lily and Albus- two 'how to deal with siblings' books
Sable- 'knitting for witches'
Ron and Hermione- 'the non-fail guide to house elf history'
Mum and dad- 'patronus' magazine, #645 and #646 and "quibbler" #1.

People seen thrilled with their presents, which is fun.

Most people are making their way down to the great hall, but me and Scorpius hang back.

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now