Centaurs and humans

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"NO!" I scream as a huge spider lashes out at Freya and her centaur. "SONORUS!!!"

"No, Ariana! Don-" Freya begins, cut off by my loud voice.

"Acromantula... You have cheeked me. Leave now or I will hurt you."

"Who does miss potter think she is?" The acromantula click their pincers together.

"You have left me no choice. CRUCIO!!!" I yell, torturing a spider.

The spiders run away, cowering in my wake.

"May that be a lesson to you, acromantula. I want no more trouble from you. Give me my friend or you will all die a gruesome death."

Holly is thrown towards us by a spider.

"Holly! QUIETUS!" I go up to my friend.

"Let's get her back, ari. You, storme? Carry her." Rose instructs.

Storme picks up the barely conscious girl and she moans in pain.


"Right you are, missus." And he gallops into the darkness.

"Right, I want everyone to stick together. Freya, Shaun, rose, jake, Jenny and Charlie stick together. Do not lose sight of each other. Scorp, stay with me and banten. I don't want anyone getting lost."

"Well said, ari." Shaun says.


Two days later, and holly is still unconscious. It's so hard coming to visit her, as she's in Ravenclaw. I'm always at quidditch practice now, so it's basically impossible.

I can't be with her... But someone can...

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now