Not like draco

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I spend the next week doing hardly anything but lessons. Scorpius is in most of my lessons, and we often get put together, which is fun.

The teachers are piling the homework on us because they know that the triwizard tournament is this year, and when the champions get chosen we won't get much homework.

I walk down the hallway, chatting to Scorpius, when I suddenly hear "levicorporus!"

I am hurled up into the air, and Scorpius is yelling at someone. Suddenly, I seem to crash down ten feet, and then I black out.


I wake up in the hospital wing, with Scorpius holding my hand. I look up and everything is blurred, but I can make out his head just inches from my own. I lift up and put on my circle glasses.

"Ariana!" He sits up, his blonde hair sticking up and his eyes looking red and puffy, like he'd been crying.

"W-what happened?" I gasp, trying to sit up. Everything goes dizzy and I grasp his arm.

"No, lie down. You're lucky not to be in a coma. That harlot, patsy Parkinson, levitated you very high then dropped you. She thought it was funny. You dropped at least fifteen feet and landed on your arm." He said, his brown eyes filling with tears.

"Really?" I ask, horrified.

"Yes, and then that stupid girl tried to ask me out! I mean, really? She's just tried to harm my best friend!" He says.

I look into his eyes, suddenly drawn to them. I see his face getting nearer and nearer, he's going to kiss me...

"Hey!" A voice cuts through the silence.

Patsy Parkinson! She's not very pretty, her eyes are too close together and she has rolls of fat coming off her face, making her look like a pug. Her mousey brown curls are greasy and unwashed, her fingers too fat, her legs too far away from each other.

"Hey, scorp..." She says, coming up to us and smiling coyly.

My face flushes red. I'm about to say something to pug girl, when Scorpius says "get lost, patsy. I don't like you. You put my girl-ahem-best friend in hospital!"

Patsy looks annoyed and flounces off.

"Okay, ari. I owe you the truth. Patsy Parkinson's mum tried to date my dad. He said no, and now patsy's trying to go out with me. I'm sick of being a mini Draco! I'm not like him!" He says, still holding my hand.

"Oh Scorpius. You poor thing." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I don't want your pity, potter." He suddenly snatches his hand away and steals out of the room.

"Wha-?" I begin, when madam pomfrey says, "go on, you're well enough now. Go to your lesson."

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora