Wolves and vultures

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The song comes to a pause, and there is an out break of clapping. I jolt away from my world where only Scorpius and I exist.

"Thanks, Ariana, lily and Albus." She says, making a refined gesture in my direction.

Then everyone gets up to dance. It's hilarious. Argus filch is dancing with mrs Norris 🐱.

Then I see something peculiar. I don't think I've mentioned holly longbottom yet, have i? She's my best friend.

Holly is dancing on her own, when I boy who I vaguely recognise walks up to her. He grasps her hand and pulls her off. She is talking, and I see her brow furrow. He carries on dragging her.

I pull Scorpius with me. "Holly's in trouble, scorp."

We follow them, down to the ...Slytherin common room?

Holly is screaming now, and I run in, dragging my beautiful dress up. Hey, it's hard to run in four inch heels.

The strange boy is muttering something in her ear, and she is trying to run away.

"STOP NOW!" I shriek, running in fully.

"Well well well. Miss potter. I see I've got your attention. Oh, and the dear master malfoy." He says, smiling evilly.

"Stop your formalities. What are you doing with my best friend?" I demand angrily.

"Now now Ariana. Stay polite for your cousin." He grins.

"What? Who are you!?! Stop!!!" I shriek as he pulls my best friend closer to him.

"Don't you know who I am? I'm Hugo, dumb girl." He spits.

"Don't call me dumb. Get off my friend now." I hiss angrily.

Scorpius runs into the room.

"Oh look, ari. It's your pretty-boy. What are you looking at, you filthy death eater?" Hugo grunts at Scorpius.

"Get off my girlfriend and holly. Touch them again, and you will regret it." Scorpius threatens, his wand held aloft.

Holly and I pull out our wands and holy jabs Hugo in the eye. SECTUMSEMPRA!!! I think furiously.
His arm is slashed open

"Little bitch. You'll regret that." He warns, pulling his wand out angrily and advancing for his attack.

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now