Sharing a dorm

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"Goodnight guys." I whisper into the darkness like every night.

"Goodnight ari" Freya whispers back

"Night!" Holly chuckles

"Goodnight you four" Sable mutters.

But rose doesn't make a sound.

I hear her turn over to my right, and her lamp clicks off.

I feel immensely guilty, which was weird considering the whole thing wasn't my fault, and I knew it.

I feel angry, betrayed even. Why should I have to carry the burden of my dad, the burden of Rose's brother? It doesn't make sense.

My eyes droop as all light is removed from the room...


I wake up and rose is already gone.

I look around the room, and it is still half dark. The others are asleep, and there is a light scratch on my arm, in the shape of a rose with a stem. The stalk is covered in thorns.

A note is written in sharpie next to the Rose.


I let out a deafening scream, waking Sable, Freya and Holly.

Soon scorpius is sitting in our dormroom, looking at my arm. The scratch is not too deep, and it is not bleeding, but it leaves a red mark that may scar, possibly.

No teacher is noted, and we carry on with everyday life.

Until little spiteful things start happening to not just me, but scorpius and Freya.

First a piece of gum becomes lodged in scorpius' hair, which I have to help him get out.

Then Freya's crumpled spectrespecs dissapear, along with her mother's butterbeer cork necklace.

An awful-smelling substance is somehow inside of the bottle I use for my argan oil, which I put on my hair every night.

I just want it all to stop...

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now