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Poke, poke, poke.

Poke, poke, poke.

Poke, poke, poke.

"Eugh, what?"

"Miss potter, miss potter, you must wake up!" A high-pitched voice squeals.

"Wha-?" I open my eyes and a pair of large green ones stare back at me.

"HOLY MOTHER OF MERLIN! Winky, what in the name of merlin are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, miss, but you must wake up! Miss potter must not miss quidditch!" Winky smiles as I sit up and pat her on the shoulder.

"Good, winky, dear. I must go, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye, miss."

I pull on my jumper quickly and push a wedge of toast in my mouth.

Six minutes later, I am sitting in the changing rooms, panting, clutching my firebolt 2.0 and whispering, "oh god, oh god."

The snitch is released with the other balls. I focus on it. I fly into the sun, as to shake the hufflepuff seeker, Anthony enderhole, off my tail.

I see a flash of gold behind Anthony's ear. I hear a roar of the crowd underneath me, Freya probably scored or something.

"Hey, Anthony. I can call you Anthony, right?" I giggle flirtatiously. I take advantage of his shock and grasp the snitch round it's middle.

"LOSER! LOSER!" I laugh, poking him.

"You little idiot!" He laughs as we fly down to ground.

I am celebrated like Viktor krum.

When all the players are well and truly clean, we all trek down to the great hall for tea, we're all freaking starving.

"Well, everyone, we have a new student in the fourth year, meet Sable lupin."


An anxious-looking girl with large glasses and mousey brown curls sits on the stool. The hat is placed on her head.

Six seconds later, Gryffindor house is in hysterical squeals, "HI NEW GIRL!"

Sable sits next to me and Scorpius.

"Hello. I'm Ariana, call me ari." I shake her hand cheerfully.

"And I'm Scorpius, Ari's boyfriend." Scorpius smiles warmly from behind me.

"Hi, guys. I'm sable. I actually went to beauxbatons before I came here. It was awful. I can't speak French to save my life." She grins, her dimples showing drastically.

"Are you related to teddy lupin?" I throw the question out.

"Yes, actually. He's my uncle." She replies, looking bemused.

"Cool! How come we never met you? Teddy's my godfather." I explain.

"Oh, I was ill a lot when I was little." She smiles.

"Oh... There's a space in my dormitory if you want?" I offer

"Yeah! That will be so cool!" Sable lupin gushes excitedly.

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin