Cleansing the spirits

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"This is bad. This is very bad." The healer says gravely to us.

"What is the extent of the damage, healer?" I whisper through my hands.

"Very bad. She's been possessed. Tell me exactly what happened, miss Ariana."

"She- I mean, my boyfriend scorpius told her that her boyfriend didn't love her anymore, and she was crying, but then she walked and touched- she touched the present he gave her for her birthday, which was a week ago. Her eyes went red and she started hissing at me. I ran for- for professor Mcgonagall and we managed to stupefy her." I stammer. The healer looks concerned.

"It seems that there is more to rose's case than comes to eye." A senior healer walks into the room.

"Your friend-"


"Your cousin, then, should be alright if we get the cleanser in ASAP." Healer Francis says gravely.

Freya burst into noisy tears. We'd been inseparable growing up. Freya, of course the daughter of George and Luna, and rose, Hermione and Ron's younger child, and me. Ginny and Harry Potter's youngest daughter.

"DONT TOUCH HER!!!" The healer shrieks loudly.

Aunty Hermione and Uncle Ron had ran into the room, and were about to grasp her hand.

"I'm very sorry, ma'am, but she could wake up and she is possessed. She could potentially kill one of you."

Hermione lets out a sob and Uncle Ron puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Mione, Rose will be alright." My dad is suddenly here. He must have come to see aunt Hermione.

Scorpius looks alarmed and kisses my cheek and goes to leave.

"Who's this young gentleman?" Dad smiles politely.

"Scorpius, sir. Scorpius malfoy."


Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now