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Stressed out by twenty one pilots!

I walk towards the train, taking several deep breaths on my way. My red hair is caught up in a messy bun and I already have my uniform on.

I see holly and Freya in a carriage, and we go join them.

I offer to buy everyone lunch from the trolley, which fortunately comes to six sickles, and that was all I had in my purse apart from ten golden galleons, which I'm keeping for hogsmeade, which is in two weekends time.

I bit nervously at a hangnail when I see rose walk past our carriage, looking utterly depressed.

I keep having to tell myself- It's not my fault that her brother's a psycho and her mum's a cheater.

Dad sent me a letter this morning, and it was basically saying that he was back with mum and she'd forgiven him.

I don't know why.

Gullible Ginny potter.

I just hope uncle Ron will be just as understanding.


We enter the great hall, scorpius at my side and Freya and Holly just behind us.

The teachers all give me smiles, worthy of some warrior that fought for their country.

McGonagall stands at the golden eagle scroll holder. She gives a long speech, and then, to my horror, she smiles and says

"And for the bravery it takes to stand up to a murderer, I award a hundred points to Gryffindor."

I cover my face with my hands as Rose lets out a high-pitched sob and runs out of the great hall.

A horrible silence overwhelms the hall, the kind of silence you could take a bite out of, should you be interested in eating silences.

Then the silence is broken slowly until the whole hall is in its usual rowdy chattering way, apart from I hear my name and Rose's name thrown around like its going out of fashion.

Scorpius squeezes my hand gently under the table, giving me reassuring glances and smiles.

Most people have tucked into their dinner by now, and many of them are no longer gawping at the Gryffindor table in shock.

Aurora gives me a gloating smile from two tables away, which I return by flicking my middle finger up at her.

Scorpius smiles at me, whispering gently in my ear my favourite twenty one pilots song, Stressed out.

"Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days,
When our momma sang us to sleep
But now we're stressed out..."

And yes, I love muggle bands...

When we are dismissed for bed, scorpius kisses my lips hard, and tells me not to worry.

If only it were that simple.

I now have to share a dorm with my cousin who's brother I put in Azkaban.

She's going to smother me in my sleep.

Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें