miss me?

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Ella: Party @ James' tonight come by around 9 xx
Sent to 64 contacts

Feeling as if she should say something additionally to Noah Ella clicks open their chat. Struggling to phrase it she changes the message a few times before finally sending.

Ella: hey I know we're not in a good place right now but J and I would really love it if you came

Ella: there will be a ton of people so if you don't want to speak to me thats okay

Noah: I appreciate you being polite but maybe I'll give it a miss

Ella: I understand, but if you change your mind you're more than welcome

Ella: it's never a proper party without you

Noah: well I am the life and soul of the dancefloor

Ella: glad to see you've remained modest

Noah: as always

Ella: well you are the boogie wonderland King

Noah: that night was ridiculous

Ella: haha the DJ kept playing boogie wonderland just for you

Noah: he winked at me every time he played it

Ella: that's what you get for picking THE trashiest club in Soho

Noah: be grateful I took you to such a "cultural" hotspot

Ella: I know this is really selfish of me to say but I miss hanging out

Noah: we're never going to back to the way it was but I'll think about coming tonight

Ella: I really messed things up didn't I?

She is relieved that they'd managed to have a somewhat decent conversation. Before everything changed they had first and foremost been friends. All of those memories and moments were still there. They were just tucked away behind the hurt and betrayal.

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