i'll be your american boy

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They had spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company. Ella and James both knew a serious conversation was needed, but they had tucked it away into the very back of their minds. The two of them hadn't been alone together in so long. It felt like a rare treat. They had been gifted with a day together.

They had held each other and spoke of anything and everything but their future.

James had ended up staying over for the night. All they had done was fall asleep into each other's arms.

He had risen early. Placing a kiss on her forehead Ella responded with a groggy groan. They muttered their goodbyes and promises to ring each other later.

So it was a surprise when an hour later Ella stumbled downstairs to the sight of her mother and James seated around the dining room table. She blinks rapidly as if it were a mirage that would be gone in an instant. No such luck.

"Ella sweetie you should have told me you had a friend over. I could have set up the guest room." Her mother says pointedly. Again what she says and what she means are two very different things.

James looks a little abashed at her words.

Ella simply rolls her eyes and says "Don't worry. Nothing sordid happened."

James nods profusely. Ella realises this is the first time James and her mother have met. No wonder he is on his best behaviour.

Taking a seat next to him Ella intertwines her barefoot with his and begins to help herself from the breakfast platter.

"Not that I don't love you being here but thought you were on your way out this morning?" Ella inquires to James.

"Mm I ran into your lovely mother, Mary, on my way out and she insisted I stay for breakfast."

"Oh so she lured you in with the promise of food." Ella pokes James' stomach as she says this. Instead of soft flesh she is met with a hard wall of muscle. Finding her thoughts wondering astray to a shirtless James she quickly removes her hand. Topless boys were not suitable to think at over breakfast with her mother.

Feeling quite curious Ella asks "So what have you two been speaking about? Not me I hope." with a false laugh.

"Oh just work, family, school and of course a few dreadfully embarrassing childhood stories of you." James lists of. Ella glares at him and he retracts his last statement hurriedly "Well perhaps the last bit was untrue."

"He's charming isn't he?" Mary adds.

James smiles widely at this. He winks at Ella and says "At least I've won over the approval of one woman in this household."

"Stop flirting with my mother." Ella jokingly reprimands him.

"As much of a MILF she is you're the only one for me."  He murmurs so only Ella can hear him. She snorts in response.

"Well, he's a lot better than some of those other male friends you bring around here."

"Are you trying to say something mother?" Ella asks slightly angered but keeping a neural tone to her voice. James places a hand on her thigh under the table rubbing up and down gently. Instantly she feels calmer.

"I have nothing against the company you keep, but I'll say I like James better." Her mother placates.

"Better than?" Ella asks out of interest.

"Oh that Noah boy. I'm assuming we'll be seeing less of him now that James is on the scene?" Mary asks in a commanding voice. Ella knows better than to think it is a question. Her mother is telling her what she expects. Ella nods to her mother almost imperceptibly and Mary smiles in return.

"Anyway that's enough about him. Ella dear, James was telling me about his early acceptance to Yale. Isn't that wonderful?"

James' hand stills on her leg.

"Yale?" Ella chokes back. She looks to James but he won't quite meet her gaze.

She barely listens to the rest of the conversation. All she can think of is that soon he will be leaving. Soon he will be leaving her behind.

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