cinema dates

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Ella and James were not the type to ever succumb to the basic going out dinner and the cinema date. It was entirely too dull and not enough talking.

The closest they had reached to this was occasionally watching dated horror films with special effects that left something to be desired for (these became their comedies).

"James stop screaming the crow was literally a black tea towel chucked at her face" was said approximately x15 when watching The Birds.

"Yaaaas cardboard shark you can do it!!"
"Eat that bitch"
"He had such bad hair it was a given he was going to be eaten"

Jaws was a hit. Upon learning Jaws 2 was a thing James had promptly said they could personally recreate a sequel and wouldn't Ella like to be eaten (out). Ella had slapped him, fallen about laughing and then dragged him to her bedroom to hold up his word. Since that night the mere mention of sharks caused them to laugh hysterically and blush profusely. 

Sometimes they delved into the musical theatre genre which became the soundtrack to their promising careers as living room jiving and singing extraordinares.

The stage perhaps wasn't their calling as Ella was tone deaf and James of the dad dancing species.

"Your dance moves are so bad"

"Bad-ass dance moves you mean"

"Shut up and kiss me"

"No, I'm perfecting my box step and jazz hands"

"I can think of other things you could do with you hands"

"Ella, wow you're so elegant with your words. So classy... How could I ever resist the romance?"

"I can see your boner and don't you dare tell me it's for Troy Bolton"

However Ella's favourite (and James' too, not that he'd admit it) was to watch a well known film, preferably a trashy teen flick, and to mute it. You then had to provide a running commentary yourselves. Both Ella and James thought they were really funny (they really weren't). And anyone listening in would probably think they were mad.

But it didn't matter about anyone else. They were together and that was that.


Some sappy James & Ella moments 4 you exoticfinn


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