an elephant never forgets

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As they say goodbye at the front door their conversation resolutely ignores the giant fucking elephant in the room that is Yale. That is until Ella can't help herself and it slips out.

"You're going to America?"



An awkward silence ensues.

"It doesn't change anything right? It's months away."

"Of course. It just took me by surprise."

James envelops her into his arms. It's a brief hug but it comforts her all the same.

"Ring me later boy toy." Ella calls after him.

"I'm like 2 months younger than you shh." James pauses at the edge of the driveway after saying this and turns to face Ella "You know that makes you a cougar."

Ella thinks she sees the hint of a smirk before he turns around and walks away. But it was too fleeting for her to be entirely sure.

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