party in the uk

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In response to the positively shit mood Ella had been finding herself in she decided to throw a party. She wasn't sure if it would cheer her up, but it would be a distraction. She was sure if at least that.

Dad had swanned off somewhere with a client, so it was just mother left to deal with. Luckily (or unluckily if you were Mrs. Stanford) her mother's friend was going through a messy divorce and needed her.

Ella insisted that yes she could be left alone for 2 days and not ruin everything or kill the dog.

Ella reassured that no a house party would not be thrown.

Ella agreed that yes the (awful) beige carpet that had just been installed must stay pristine.

These assurances would all be broken of course. Except the dog. The dog would be okay.

In retrospect Ella wasn't sure if that was just because she'd sent it to the kennel for the weekend.

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