their first time

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Their first encounter (like most people's) was a little awkward and fumbling and most certainly over too quickly.

Ella had actually arrived to the house with Charles that night. Not holding or touching.

Just side by side.

In fact they had just broken up (if you could really call what they were doing dating). They had not shared a great love but had merely enjoyed each other and each other's company. Neither had wanted to prolong something with an inevitable end and so that was that.

So, reflecting upon it, they owed Charles everything. Without him Ella & Noah would never have came to be.

The night itself wasn't overly memorable for Ella. A lot of small talk and introducing herself to numerous faces that she would most likely never see again. Feeling like a bit of a dead weight to Charles she had shooed him away assuring that yes she could be left alone and not act like an utter social pariah. Offering him a faint smile to seal her words Ella had headed into the kitchen.

Feelings of boredom had encouraged Ella to reach for a stronger drink. Sipping it slowly she had meandered her way back into the main party, but not before an abrupt collision with a striding figure. Non-apologetic he had continued past her.

But he had taken a moment to steady her.

To fix her.

Time had passed much the same but now with an Ella perhaps a little unsteadier on her feet. Nodding and slipping in sparse comments Ella had sat with a crowd she didn't know. But she had felt comfortable. It's funny really that one could almost have the same evening play out whether you knew the people there or not.

Feeling eyes upon her she had glanced up to see Charles making his way upstairs with a girl (perhaps her name was Octavia?) in tow. He had raised a brow as if to check Ella was okay with the predicament. It was a courtesy rather than an actual concern though. She had thrown a true smile his way this time and waggled her eyebrows. At least for one of them the night had potential.

Ella had looked away and was suddenly overcome with a realisation of just how little she cared. Was this normal?

To feel nothing.

She had heard of girls being overcome by jealous rages or being inclined weep after a break up. Much less to see the very boy quite clearly hooking up with someone else. Actually she was a little disgruntled that anyone (even Charles) could move on from her quite that fast. 3 hours was pushing it a little. It wasn't Charles that had irked her though it was more of a pride factor.

Feeling rather confused at her utter detachment she had reached for her drink shaking her head slightly.

It was then that she had felt another pair of eyes upon her.

The striding figure from earlier had stood leaning against the doorframe. Taking everything in. Taking Ella in.

Out of boredom and curiosity she had decided to make her way to him. Suggesting an apologetic glance to the crowd and under the pretence of needing another drink she had glided over to the boy.

"Hi" they had both offered simultaneously. Causing each to smirk just a little.

He had enquired after her name having only recognised her as Charles' girl. She had said she was Ella and not an extension of anyone else. He had agreed.

He had wondered if it bothered her... Charles with another girl. When she had stated simply no it surprised him for a second before he had realised that she spoke truthfully.

He had lit up when he realised this. She wasn't acting to be perceived by others in a certain way. She was herself.

And he couldn't remember the last time he had been himself.

He had clumsily tried to express his thoughts on this and she couldn't have helped the smile that overtook her.

Awkwardly rising on her tip toes just a tad she had made their gangly frames match in height. Gently and carefully Ella had placed a chaste kiss upon his cheek.

It was pure and simple. A gesture that showed she had understood.

It was then that Charles had come bounding down the stairs. Both Ella and the unnamed boy had smirked at him and then at each other knowing exactly what Charles had gotten up to. Charles had shrugged lightly and given Ella a nudge declaring it time for them to leave.

As they had walked away Charles stopped and had thrown back a thanks. Ella a little confused turned back also.

The boy resting between the frames had laughed slightly. This was indeed his house. Smiling to herself Ella continued on to the exit. Away from the people she would most likely never meet again.

'It's Noah. My name. Not that you really asked for it but yeah... Noah' the boy had called out stumbling over his words.

Ella had sent him a wide grin and then exited with Charles. Giggling to herself that they were leaving

How fitting.

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