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A few of her friends invite her out tonight. As she begins to text a false excuse to get out of it she stops herself. Ella smiles and decides yes she needs to get out of the house. Yes, she needs to get out of her mind.

Inviting a few of the girls over before they went out was a good move on her part. She feels relaxed getting ready. They giggle and joke while they all busy themselves and interact as only a girl gang can. Putting on Alice's "getting reaDy" playlist caused endless teasing over her song choices but it they all did truly love it (everyone loves Britney circa 2005 even if they won't admit it).

Everything is going smoothly and without hitch. Even her winged eyeliner is perfected with two single swoops. Any girl knows this is a rare occasion and should be treated as such. Having been blessed with evenly winged eyeliner, at least for tonight, she knows the gods are on her side.

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