burn the bras

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They're in Ella's bedroom packing her bag. However, teamwork isn't something they have quite mastered yet.

Ella is lounging on a bean bag refusing to move while James is gathering her things. She cites the dog walk as being "enough exercise for a life time" and says she "deserves a nap."

James mutters that she wouldn't know hard work if it hit her over the head.

Ella bites her thumb at him in response.

"Now is not the time for Shakespeare."

"It's alway the time for Shakespeare." Ella replies dryly.

"Fine. Where art thou panties?"

"Top draw on the left." Ella giggles.

She watches James' look of overwhelming confusion as he looks into the draw. He frowns slightly as he looks between her bras and panties. It's Boy vs. Victoria Secret. The boy is loosing. With genuine intrigue and perhaps a slight bit of fear James asks "Do I have to match the colours?"

"I love you." Ella blurts out.

James smiles widely and says "I know, but we have a serious matter on our hands right now." Picking up a red lacy pair of underwear and a green satin bra he looks to Ella for confirmation.

"I'm going to look like a Christmas elf in those colours."

"A hot elf though."

Ella shakes her head laughing "Just pick whatever pants you want."

When James motions to put the red lacy ones in the bag Ella says "Except those. They're my stripper-esque underwear. I wear them when I feel like going out dancing and being a little wild."

"You match your underwear to your mood?" James asks in complete surprise.

"You have so much to learn." Ella says with an air of great wisdom.

James picks out more suitable choices and Ella nods in agreement so he places them in the bag. He cautiously asks what bras he should choose.

Ella says "Oh don't worry. I don't really feel like wearing one."

"They're optional?" James asks in surprise.

"Yes, my fashionista they're optional. Sometimes I wear one sometimes I don't."

"But don't they..." James pauses for a second and then whispers "wobble?"

Ella bursts out laughing and then replies "I have small boobs so it's fine. See I'm not wearing a bra now and they're not wobbling."

James eyes her chest area suspiciously as if at any second it may give way to wild movements.

"You must have noticed when we've been together that I don't often wear a bra?"

"Excuse me if I'm more interested in you than the clothes I'm taking off."

"I should hope so." Ella says with a smirk.

As they continue packing (well James packing and Ella commanding from the bean bag) she senses his eyes repeatedly zoning in on a certain area.

"Stop staring at my boobs James."

"I'm trying to see if I can tell you're not wearing a bra." Ella thinks perhaps he is telling the truth before he adds "You know you have really good boobs?"

"I have a really good brain too." Ella teases.

"Of course. Of course. I was going to compliment that next." He says with a wink.



All your comments make me laugh so much. I adore all of you. Pls stay witty with your comments. I need this amusement in my life xx

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