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Ella couldn't remember ever feeling more alive than in this very moment.

She felt carefree. She dared say even happy.

There's something about dancing that Ella had always loved. It's a form of communication. An art.

In that moment it doesn't matter that you've got mounting essays, don't really like your friends and are arguing with your mother. All that matters is the music. All that matters is the way you move. You are laid bare. Free.

To be in your own house while all this is happening only enhances how you feel. In this moment Ella is so comfortable and so content she wishes she could just stay here just dancing forever. Right here.

She has been greeted by many of her guests but one has been avoiding her like the plague. Noah. Catching a glimpse of him she pushes her way through the sweaty mass in his direction.

A boy who seems as high as a kite throws her into a hug and showers her with wonderful praise. Ella smiles, a true smile, and looking into his wide wide eyes feels on top of the world.

Looking back she sees she's lost sight of Noah. But no matter. Throwing her hands high into the air she twirls ever so slightly and makes her way back into the centre.

It is there that James encircles her. He brings her so close that they almost become one. There they dance in the middle of this writhing mass of people.

It's not pretty and it's not perfect. Ella hates that. Instead, there are people everywhere and its chaos. Ella embraces the chaos and there is beauty in that embrace.

Ella takes all of it in. Thriving off of the sheer energy in the room.

When James begins to kiss her neck and bring her almost impossibly closer she is overcome by this feeling of perfect alignment.

This boy wants her. He has wanted her since they first met. This boy knows the truest form of herself. He doesn't know the facade she presents and displays for everyone else.

And feeling alive, as she does tonight, she is so grateful that she has him.

Turning to face James she looks at him, truly looks at him, and knows that in this moment he is exactly what she wants.

They push through the crowd and make their upstairs. As they climb Ella can feel the world she has created for tonight slip away. It fades as the music fades and becomes muffled as they slip into her bedroom.

There are so many things they could say. So many words that could be uttered.

They don't say anything, at least not with words, but lingering looks pass between them.

They understand that there are things you simply can't put into words. It discredits and downplays the moment. What they are sharing is beyond the pathetic attempt words could ever hope to convey.

So, as they begin to undress and fall back on her bed, no words are uttered. It's silence but it's a loud, consuming, screaming silence.

Ella will look back fondly on this night. It was the first, and she thinks only, time she ever made love. The sex was elevated and enhanced by all they were feeling. She supposed it was love but she never said it. She didn't need to.

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