Chapter 6 - Sparkly Pink With Strawberry Shortcake Stickers

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Just don't fail me. I cant fail because of some immature idiots." He growled.

"Alright, I would like to see you and your shoes in the gym in 10." The coach said and I heard footsteps.

I quickly ran to the gym before he could see me eavesdropping.

Val stood in the middle of the gym with an enraged expression on his face. But no one was paying attention to that. Something much more interesting and worth looking at was down below.

HEY! Get your mind out of the gutter! Not .....there.

I am talking about the brand new Barbie sparkly pink with Strawberry Shortcake stickers on top shoes that the angry teen   was sporting. Pink sparkles and buttons, glitter, stars, etc were some of the things on the previously amazing blue shoes.

The students had all formed a circle around Val who stood in the centre, fuming. His grey eyes slowly roamed over the crowd, scanning each face, before the landed on mine, with the deer-caught-in-headlights expression on its face.

I was on the top of the moon that my plan had worked until I saw the expression on Val's face.

I am dead today.

His shoes got many weird looks and so many people on the floor, laughing. But no one dared to throw it on his face.

As soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the period, I took one look at his face and made a beeline for  the janitors closet.

Seeing that I was running away, he ran after me, but in his hurry, he bumped into many people and so lost me after 2 mins. All the while his feet were making squelchy gross noises because of the mustard I had put in inside.

I safely made my way to the janitors closet and stayed there ever since. Naah! Don't think I am scared of him....I just don't want any broken bones. Even though I doubt that he'll hit a girl, prevention is better than cure. Isn't it ?

Oh shoot!! I can hear his footsteps....

The Present...

"Why on earth can't you leave me alone? Why are you so hell bent on being involved with me and trying to get yourself in trouble? JUST STAY THE FUCK AWAY! What part of this don't you understand? Do you want me to hurt you?!" He yelled at me.


He still looks hot.

He glared at me. Someone please crack the Earth open and throw me inside. I cowered beneath his stare. No one had looked at me so angrily before.

With that, he walked away.

I knew that this was far from over.

Since it was lunch, I made my way to the cafeteria. I sat near the girls who didn't even seem to notice my presence since they were having such a heated debate on God knows what topic.

"Hey guys....what's up ?" Only then did they acknowledge me.

"The cafeteria ceiling." They said in unison.

I rolled my eyes and then said,"I know that...but what are you guys talking about?"

"Wwere just wondering that who had the guts to even do that ??"

"Do what ?" I questioned cluelessly,

"Don't tell me you haven't seen Reece's shoes!" Exclaimed Celeste.

"Oh.....thaaaaat." I tried to stifle a giggle.

"No. No way. No fucking way!" Astrid started. "It was you, wasnt it!?"

"Calm down. Do you really want me to become deaf already ?" I asked playfully. "About the shoes...what can I say...I may or may not have done it...who knows ?" I grinned sheepishly.

"Oh. My. God! That was fucking amazing! I almost died laughing!" She shouted, rendering me deaf for real.

"Barbie pink sparkly shoes. Genius I must say." Tauri was already in fits of laughter.

"And the expression on his face. One word. Epic." She was looking like a retarded seal clapping like that.The poor thing was laughing like there was no tomorrow."You go girl."

"Thanks that I think of it, I do think that it was a genius plan. I put a little mustard on the insides of the shoes as well. Poor guy had a really hard time putting his feet in. But, he said, and I quote "I can't let my grades fall just because of some immature people."

" the mustard explains the squelchy sounds." Kiara said, bursting into a fit of giggles again.

Only once everyone had sobered up did they realise what this actually meant.

We all exchanged worried glances. "Shit Rey. He is not going to let you go easily with this. Please be careful. He is going to make you pay." Celeste said, clearly alarmed.

"Don't worry guys. Even I want to see what he can do about it. Lets see the best he can do." I said nonchalantly.

"This is gonna go on for forever, isn't it? Even when you two are in your late seventies, you are gonna try and hit each other with your walking sticks. This is gonna be entertaining. Remind me to buy a life time of popcorn." Astrid chuckled, and earned a punch from me.

"You are right about one thing though, this isn't going to end any time soon." I  affirmed.


Another chapter down! Give us feedback!

This chapter is dedicated to the awesome, awesome @angelsakhi . She posted such sweet comments and voted on every single one of our chapters! We are really happy to have you as our reader, and cant thank you enough for the love and support you have shown us. Thank you so much for giving us a chance. Really.


Sky and Sava xoxo

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