"It is, actually. I killed Galina, the strongest one here. Therefore, my strength is proven to be greater than hers, and also yours. Since I'm the strongest, I, alone, am in charge." It's not like they need to know about Rose being involved with her death, or that I requested help from a dhampir of all creatures.

"You won't be in charge if you're dead." A dark haired woman sneered. As if on cue, they all charged at me. I dodged their attacks effortlessly and took a few steps backwards to create a good amount of distance between us. Galina's office was pretty spacious, which I appreciate. Not to mention elaborate, and prone to damage.

"Can we not try to kill each other elsewhere?" I tormented, with dark humour. The amusement in my voice only fueled their animosity. "I don't want to stain my carpet with blood, it would cost so much to replace it." The blonde man swung his fist in my direction, but I grasped it and pushed it away, breaking it in the process. I groaned, taking their silence as an answer. "Fine." I grumbled. "If you guys behaved, you'd realise that I make a much better leader than she did."

I tried to reason with them, to break the fight and make them understand. It wasn't that I couldn't fight them, it was just that I didn't want to lose the people I should be able to control. If I end up killing everyone, what estate is there to rule? My efforts to gain this much power will go in vain! I wanted to have more people I can control, not less. But if I have to resort to killing them, then I will.

Two Strigoi rushed towards me. Both of them were men; one of them had jet black hair whilst the other was a brunette and I had faintly recognised seeing them around the estate. They hurled their fists from different directions. But they had the same destination in mind. Me. I moved to the side, dodging one of them and used my arms to block the blow. They both stood on my opposite sides, surrounding me. I landed a hard kick towards the brunette and hit him in the stomach, causing him to groan and clutch his stomach. Turning to the other Strigoi, I caught his arched leg, mid-air. I forced it upwards and he lost his balance, falling on his back.

In that moment, I had been distracted for about a second. The dark haired female took advantage of this by joining the fight, knife in hand. Before I could respond, the knife plunged into my side. How many times have I been stabbed today? Too many times to be 'normal'.

What was she trying to do? She obviously, knows the knife doesn't do much damage. "What was the point in that?" I growled, pulling the knife out.

"It makes a pretty good distraction." My head shot up as a hand clamped around my throat. Decapitation, that was what they were going for. I had to react quick. I dug my chin downwards, which loosened their grip. Whoever it was, they had attacked from behind, which made it easier to escape. I grasped the arm at my throat and twisted it behind him.

They really did have a chance to kill me. This person was dumb enough to use his hand, rather than his arm. The arms are always stronger, and the chances of the victim escaping that is almost impossible. His mistake now cost him his life. My arm circled his throat and in seconds, his headless body crumbled to the ground. The blood soaked my already ruined shirt.

They clearly hadn't expected that, from the shock and fear they desperately tried to conceal. I used that as an opportunity to prove my point to them, I'm the strongest and I'm in charge. I killed the Strigoi closest to me, leaving just three of them.

"Now, who's next?" They reluctantly remained silent and stared at the ground, to my amusement. "Leave." Wordlessly, they scuttled out of the office.

I sat down at my desk and reached for the phone. I dialed a number and someone eventually picked up. "Yes?"

"Send some humans to my office."

"Do you mean Galina's office?" They asked, innocently.

"No, mine, she's dead." I informed. "I killed her." I added with a sadistic smirk. I knew they couldn't see it, but I couldn't stop myself. They were silent, for a few seconds.

"I'll send some people---" I put the phone down.

I had let my guard down, too many times. I thought too lowly of Rose for being a dhampir and I wasn't careful. I let her do this, listened to her and pampered her too much. If I hadn't, she'd be awakened and with me now. I let her escape and now I'm at risk for dying. We are very similar, our thinking and actions are much alike. That was what I forgot, when she was here. I'm convinced that I would have done something similar to her if our roles were reversed. As much as I hate the fact that she escaped, I admit her will to rebel against what she was destined for is worth admiring. No matter how dumb her decision had been.

A knock on the door caught my attention. "Come in." A group of human servants entered and gasped at the sight before them. "Clean this mess." I pointed to the blood stains and dead bodies on the floor, including Inna's.

I urged a half of the human servants to come closer, and they reluctantly obeyed. "Outside, there's a dhampir, the one you've been cooking dinners for. She's heading to Novosibirsk by foot. I want you to find her, and watch her at a distance. If she falls unconscious, bring her to me. If not, I want to know what happens to her."

I needed to know whether she survived or not, and I'm betting she will. I want to be certain on it, though. Now, I have to plot on getting rid of her, and know whether my efforts would be fruitless. It's not like I can plan on killing her if she's already dead. They nodded and left the office, a few seconds later I followed.

I headed towards my room, I needed time to think alone. Too much has happened today and even when I'm glad about Galina's death, I feel like it happened too early. Everything I had been planning, for so long, had been forcibly rushed and I was afraid something won't go according to plan. I feel like something terrible is going to happen.

Maybe, I'm overthinking it too much. But at least I am, I thought. Before I had been reckless and less thoughtful, and that's why I don't have Rose. That's why she managed to escape. I stepped into my room, closed the door and sat on the bed.

It had occured to me that there was a possibility that Rose is dead, which is why I sent those humans. Novosibirsk is the closest place to civilisation, and even that took a few minutes to get to at Strigoi speed. For Rose, it would be one hell of a walk. She hadn't eaten before leaving, the food Inna left for her was still there, untouched, if I remember correctly. If she does die, it saves me the trouble of killing her. If the sun hadn't risen, I would have searched for her and awakened her. She would be weaponless and weakened, which would make it easy. Or killed her.

Someone like Rose, someone with enough strength to be a threat to me, shouldn't exist. I'll have to hunt her down, and kill her. Trying to awaken her against her will is like asking for a death wish; I failed to realise that before and it almost resulted to my own death. I won't take such a risk that would endanger my life to that level ever again. But I won't let someone as powerful as her live, either. 

As dhampirs, we were equal in both strength and skill. Awakening now makes me stronger than her so it's not like she can kill me. The chances are low for that to happen. I have learnt from my mistakes, so this time, I will succeed.    


I worked my ass of to post this asap ;-)

Dedicated to RozaBelikova96 for being a great supporter, being my friend and having awesome VA fanfics. Check them out if you haven't already! :-) Also, for her 'encouraging' comments :-P

Posted the next day, I feel so proud. Hope you like it :-)

The story is coming to an END. Last chapter after this. But there may be a Spirit Bound!

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