Alvin Murphy Headcanons

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I love Murphy so much like y'all just don't understand.

*Murphy keeps up the asshole personality, but he loves everyone in his rag tag team of guardians.

*One of his favorite things is seeing someone from his group smile

*Before the apocalypse, he was a charming, charismatic dude and he could charm the pants off of anyone

*Even though, he can control the zombies he doesn't really interfere with them while the group is giving mercy because he knows they can take care of themselves

*He thinks about Serena (Pie Girl) everyday and wonders if she's proud of their daughter

*He wishes he could get five minutes just five minutes to take care of that problem that arises every morning but the group is always on the go

*His fantasies revolve around Addy and Warren, because Warren has a very amazing rack (Not that he would admit it)

*Sometimes (very rarely) he misses Garnett. He wonders where he would be if Garnett was still around

*He thinks about taking off sometimes because he's scared of what's going to happen to him once they get him to California, but he's scared of what he's gonna become if he doesn't go to California

*Murphy has a face biting fetish. At first he ignored it, but it's the apocalypse and he's the cure. So people should be happy that they have his teeth print in their face

*He used to be a selfish lover until he met Serena and realized hey maybe I can share the pleasure.

*He wonders if he would still be alive if he didn't go to jail for postal fraud

*Maybe, just maybe, he likes Warren a little more than he admits (Okay so I usually ship Warren and Vasquez but I've read some Warphy fics and idk)


I hope you like this! Umm yeah the headcanons aren't as long as actual stories but I'll be posting each imagine between these well once I get them done. Leave your characters and I'll get to it!! Thanks for reading!! Smooches!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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