Ron Anderson - Scared III

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Why did Ron have a gun? So many possibilities came up but only one stuck with me.

He was going to kill Carl.

He was still upset about Enid.

I didn't matter to him. I was just a joke. My eyes burned and I felt sick. I clutched his shoulders and shook him awake.

"Y/N? What's wrong?"

I pointed towards to gun on the dresser. His eyes seemed to widen when he saw the weapon. He wasn't expecting me to find it.

"Why do you have that gun, Ron? Tell me the truth."

"Y/N, I just let m-."

"Does it have something to do with Enid?"

"Y/N! Listen to me please."

"Does it have something to do with Enid, Ron? Tell me!"

His shoulders sagged and he gave a sigh. He nodded and I felt my heartbreak. Why did I trust him? Why did I let him do that to me? Why did I let him see me in my most vulnerable moments?

I felt sick.

I pulled on any clothes that I could find. I had to get away from him. I had to get out of this house. Flashes of his hands brushing against my skin invaded my thoughts.

"Y/N! Wait!"

I stumbled down the stairs buttoning my shirt. I felt dazed, I felt sick, and I was hurting. I was in love with him.

I was in love.

But I didn't matter to him. He loved Enid and I would always be his second choice. I opened the door and ran out. I didn't stop to listen to see if he was following. I knew he was and I didn't want to see him.

I ran from him. I didn't want him to see me in such a vulnerable state. I was crying, I couldn't breathe, and I felt horrible. He would know that he had hurt me, and I didn't want him to know.

Ron was behind me. I ran a little faster. I didn't hear the walkers and at that point in time it didn't matter. I felt the air leaving my body and then I was on the ground. I had bumped into Carl. He pulled me up from the ground and I felt embarrassed that he had seen me like this.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

I was sobbing so hard that I couldn't breathe. My hands clawed at the material of his shirt. Ron was standing there. He had seen the mess he had left me in.

"Y/N? Can we talk? Just you and me."

"No. You've obviously done something to make her upset."

"Carl, stay out of this."

"What did you do to make her this upset?"

The gun! I had left the gun on the dresser. Did Ron have it? The way he was looking at Carl right now was dangerous. He hated Carl and it showed. How could one person have so much hate for another?

"No. It's okay, Carl, I'll talk to him."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Well, I'll just stay here. Just in case."

I saw Ron reaching for his back pocket. He had the gun. Was he really gonna do this?

"It's fine, Carl. I'm fine."

I wiped my face and smiled. I didn't want Carl getting hurt because of me. I walked over to Ron and rubbed his shoulder.

"I'll still stay and make sure."

"I'm fine. We're fine."

It happened. The tower started to fall. It seemed like everyone held a their breath as it fell. The sound of wood breaking, and glass cracking was almost sounded like an explosion. It basically was an explosion.

The walkers were flooding in. I felt panic and the adrenaline rush started. Rick ran and Carl ran after him. I ran after him. I felt Ron grabbing me. This was it.

We couldn't come back after this. I didn't want Ron touching me but this was serious. We needed to hide. We got to Jessie's house and we were safe for now.

I walked away from all of this. I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt sick. I wasn't going to make it. I covered my mouth. I had to throw up.

I walked into a room and closed the door. I needed time to think. I needed to breathe and get my head together. I didn't acknowledge his presence. I just needed time for myself.



"I don't love her."

"Then, why would you plan on doing that? If you didn't care about her then why did you go through all of that trouble getting that gun?"


"Because what Ron? If you knew you still loved her then why would you come and see me? Why would you have sex with me?"

"Who had sex?"

I turned to look at Jessie. She shouldn't be hearing this conversation. I buried my face in my hands and bent over. Shit.

"Mom, could you please leave?"

"I want to know who had sex."

"We did!"

I was irritated! I couldn't believe I just yelled at her like that. I felt bad but then I couldn't. We were gonna die anyway. Us having sex wouldn't matter. All he was worried about was Enid.

"Did you use protection?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't physically answer. I felt too sick. I just didn't feel right. Something wasn't right. I felt off.

"Could you give us a minute?"


I watched as she walked out of the room. My whole body was sore. I felt tired. I shouldn't be dealing with this now.

His hands stroked my shoulders. My skin tingled and I leaned into his touch.

"I love you."

I love you.

The words were whispered in my ear and I felt stunned. Did he really love me? Was he only lying to make me feel better. Soft kisses were pressed on the side of my face. I tried to push him away. He kissed me and I melted.

I love him.

I love him.

The walkers were surrounding us. I watched as they burst through the gate. So, I screamed. I ran back to the door and it was locked. Fuck. Sheer panic and pure terror built up. Rick burst in but it was too late. They were in the house.

I zoned out for a moment and it seemed like years. All I remember was being covered in the guts of the walker and going outside. I remember walking and hearing Sam yell.

And then the walkers turned towards us.


Hey guys!! I hope you like this!! Should I leave it at this? I don't know if I should do another one. Thanks for reading!!! Smooches!!!

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