Demon Dean - Always

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My fingers raked down his back.

He just appeared one day. I didn't pay any mind to him. He was only passing through, and was only looking for a one night stand.

I never got tired of having his hands on me.

It took him two days, before he approached me. I never gave him any reason to talk to me. I never bothered him. It was something that made him come over here.

A shriek caught in my throat as his eyes turned black.

I had never believed in the supernatural. I didn't believe the weird old ladies that sat on their porches and talked about a whole different dark world. It didn't change until that night.

I was suspended in time. His fingers moved in and out of me at a fast pace. I was entranced by his black eyes.

I shouldn't have walked home by myself. It was late, the wind was blowing, and I could hear footsteps behind me. I took a deep breath. It was probably nothing. I was just worrying about nothing.

I was fucking a demon.

He saved me that night. It turned out to be a vampire. She had been following me for days and had managed to get me alone, but Dean saved me.

"You're mine now, Sweetheart."

"You should have listened to those old women, princess."

I sat on the concrete with my head in my hands. My chest hurt and I was pretty sure my ribs were broke. The man- Dean- stood there calmly as if this was a normal event. I should have ran then.

Blood trickled down my thighs. I cried out to the other women in the room, but they ignored me.

I seemed to fit in group with Dean's group. They were all cool guys. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. I felt like I belonged with Dean. I had never felt that before.

The candles lit by themselves. I jumped and Dean's sharp nails went even deeper into my thighs.

It started off as a good friendship. Dean was good looking, yeah, but I didn't really know him. I couldn't exactly remember the day when we started having sex, but I remember our relationship never being the same.

"What are you doing to me, Dean?"

He pulled away and let the blood from my thighs drain into a container. My hands were being tied down by the women.

"Princess. Haven't I told you about asking questions?"

I tried to distance myself from Dean. He was getting too...clingy. He didn't like me talking to anyone else, I had to let him know where I was at all times, and he would randomly pop up anywhere. He was almost obsessive.

He held up his fingers that were covered in my arousal and blood.  They dragged across my lips, before pushing in. I gagged and tried to turn my head. What did I do to deserved this?

"Why haven't you been answering my calls, Y/N?"

"How did you get in here?!"

Dean didn't have a key to my apartment and he wasn't on the list. He smirked and stood up. I had to hold my ground or this would only get worse.

"I own you, Y/N. You're mine."

The women started to chant something in a different language. They were witches. They were doing a spell. It dawned on me that I would never get away from Dean. He was too powerful and he had too many people working for him. I cried for the first time that night.

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