Carl Grimes - Over III

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Death. He deserved death.

I sucked on the sour candy in my mouth and watched his house. He was in there with Judith. He would be at in about twenty minutes to take Judith out for a walk. He would walk around for about an hour before taking Judith back to the house. He would stay in for another hour before meeting Enid and sneaking out. They would come back after about five hours and go back to their respective houses.

How did I know all of this? I watched him. Day and night. I had to figure out how to get him by himself. He had stopped trying to see me and I was glad. I didn't have anything to say to him. I watched Glenn and Maggie, too. They would get it with Carl.


I quickly closed the window and plopped back down on the bed. Sasha didn't know about my plans and she didn't need to. She would try to talk me out of it.

"What's up?"

"I'm just checking up on you."

"I'm good! Why wouldn't I be good?"

"What have you been staring at?"


She pointed towards the window. Shit. What could I say? I wasn't about to tell her my elaborate plan to kill Carl. She would tell Rick, and Rick would probably kill me or to me what he's doing to Ron. I could only deal with the Grimes' in small doses.

She walked towards the window and I started to panic. What could I tell her? That I was obsessed with killing Carl? That I wanted him dead and I wanted his remains scattered around and burned? She peeked out of the window, before she looked back at me. She didn't say anything and I wondered if I panicked too early. I moved to stand beside her at the window. Who sat at the tree with a book and a guarded expression?

Ron Anderson.

I didn't meet Sasha's eyes. Who hated Carl Grimes more than me? Ron Anderson. He would help me.

"Y/N? I don't understand."

"I think I might like Ron."

Yes, Ron Anderson, appeared at the right time. I sat down on the bed, and covered my eyes. I had to pretend like I actually like Ron.

"Well, why don't you just talk to him?"

"I can't."


"Because...look at me. I'm damaged goods. Why would he want anyone like me?"

"Y/N, you're beautiful..."

She sighed and sat on the bed. Her long fingers rubbed my cheeks and she reminded me of my mother. I wished my mother was here doing these moments but she wasn't so I coped.

"...and Ron would like you for you and not a rape victim."

"So I should talk to him?"


With encouragement from Sasha, my plan went into action. All I had to do was talk to the angry boy right?


Dead wrong.

Ron had showed definite signs of being unstable these past few weeks. I was skeptical of him, because of the flashback of the group of men. I avoided him at all costs. My hands shook as I approached him. He glanced up at me, but didn't say anything. His eyes scanned over the books in his hands, and I felt momentarily relieved. He didn't look at me with pity like everyone else.

"Can I sit here?"

He shrugged and I sat down and struggled to form words. How could I explain my hate for Carl to him? Should I just let it go and move on? What happened to the girl that wanted Carl dead more than anything?

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