Rick Grimes - The Herd II

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I sat in the couch in front of Aaron and Eric. I couldn't face Rick after this. I wanted Glenn. I needed him to be here and tell me everything would be alright. He wouldn't be able to comfort me. I wouldn't be able to see him.

He was dead. He was dead to this world. He didn't exist anymore. I hoped that he had a head wound after that. I hoped he wouldn't become one of those creatures. I didn't pay any mind to Aaron and Eric's comforting words. I deserved to die. I felt bitter towards Nicholas.

This was all of his fault. If he didn't panic, if he didn't kill himself...we would've found away. Glenn and I had made our way out of worse situations. Worse problems. I was sobbing incoherently. I clung to Aaron as he picked me up and settled me into a bed. I guessed it was the guest room.

I curled into a ball and cried myself to sleep. It felt like someone was trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and indeed it was. Eric was trying to wake me up.

"Rick's here. He wants to talk to you."

"No. Tell him I'm sleep. I don't want to talk to him."

"Okay, Y/N."

I listened to his footsteps disappear again. I strained my ears to hear the conversation going on downstairs. Rick was refusing to leave until he talked to me.


Well, I have to find somewhere else to stay tonight. I opened up the window and wrote a thank you note. I landed on the ground as soon as the door opened. Hopefully, Deanna would let me stay. And she did.

I was cuddled up in Aiden's old room. It was cozy and didn't seem to fit the cocky young man. I didn't say much because his death was horrible. I didn't want to remember any deaths right now.

I turned on my side and closed my eyes. My breathing deepened and I felt relaxed.


Glenn and I was sitting in our apartment. We were laughing at something stupid but it was okay. Everything was quiet. Everything was at peace. Everything was easy.

I passed him the snack bowl. He threw some popcorn at me. The dialogue from the TV slowed and it seemed like time stopped. He turned to me and his face was illuminated in a white light.

"I'm okay, Y/N, I'm at peace."

He turned back towards the TV and didn't say anything else. I didn't say anything else. He was okay and it was all....that...mattered....

Dream Over

I pushed off the bed and grabbed my knife. We had to do something about the walkers. They were getting worse and they were attracting more. Rick had told us to be quiet, but he's out there hammering the wall. I stepped out into the cool morning air. The stench and sounds of the walkers hit me.

It was so many of them. We wouldn't make it. I didn't understand why Rick was giving these people false hope. I walked past him at a fast pace.


I sped up hoping he would get the hint. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to see him. All I could remember was snippets of my dream. All I could remember was Glenn and something about peace. I felt way better after it.

Rick's hand wrapped around my elbow and he jerked me back. I didn't look at him. I refused to look at him. I kept my eyes trained on the ground.

"I have to go, Rick."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. Can I go now?"

"I'm gonna come up with a plan and get us out of here."

"Okay? And?"

"Just wanted to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine. Can I go now?"

"We need to talk about last night."

"We need to talk about our missing people. They need to know what's happening if they are still alive."

"I know, Y/N. Look, we aren't going to come up with a plan unless we stick together and after last night I want to make sure you understand this."

"I know Rick! Last night was a mistake and I get that. I wasn't thinking. Now can I go? You've humiliated me enough for today."

He didn't say anything else. I bumped into Carl on the way to the house. I pulled him into a hug.

"How are you doing, baby?"

"I'm good, Y/N. Its just sad."

"I know."

Carl was my big baby and he wouldn't stop being my big baby. I gave Ron a smile and pulled Carl with me towards the house. I didn't want to know what Ron was hiding behind his back.

We were walking past Rick when it happened. The tower gave out. It fell. I pushed Carl forward and out of the way of walkers. The hungry snarls kept me going. I fell and I heard Carl stop but I yelled for him to keep going.

The dead was right behind me.


Rick dragged me and ran into an empty house. I saw Carl disappear before us. He laid me on the floor before closing the door. My ankle was hurting and already starting to swell. My heart was racing. I didn't want to be in here with Rick. I didn't want to be in this situation.

It was Jessie's house and I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be with Glenn. I wanted to die. Deanna was dying. She was bit. Carl and Ron was fighting about something, but they obviously lied to cover it up. The walkers were pouring in. I felt trapped. I felt like o was at that dumpster again.

I was spinning. Caught in a whirlwind of emotion. I was reliving it again. The screams. The smell. The sounds.


Nicholas saying thank you. I wasn't meant to live. I was meant to die. As I sat beside Deanna I had made up my mind. I was at peace. I was at peace.



Hey guys!! I hope you like this! It will be another part to this! Thanks for reading!! Smooches! And leave requests!!!

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