Corey's P.O.V

As I walked into school with Jessie he stopped before we separated and turned towards me.

"Remember, if anything happens, come and get me, okay?" He asked me. I wanted to roll my eyes at how many times we talked about that incident yesterday. However, I did appreciate that he was looking out for me. It was pretty frightening.

I still had bandages around my arm and I couldn't lie, it still hurt.

I nodded my head at him. "Okay, I'll see you later, Biscuit." He ruffled my hair before we both entered our separated hallways.

I walked down to my locker and headed for homeroom where Jackson was waiting for me. He already knew about what happened yesterday. He is my best friend, I tell him everything.

Down the hallway, I saw Danny and Naomi talking. Well, Naomi was talking while Danny listened to her intently.

I wonder what could be so important.

I made my way to homeroom where half the kids were already sitting down. Jackson sat at his seat with headphones in and his head down.

Oh no.....

I sat next to him and took out one earbud. I leaned down and said, "Don't tell me your sick again." I pouted. He picked his head up and I immediately knew I was right.

His eyes were teary and his nose was red. "Hey Marshmallow." He sounded congested.

My poor Jay-bear was sick. "Aww." I wrapped him in a hug and he hugged me back. I pulled back and told him, "I'll never leave your side for the whole day. Anything you need, I'm here for you." I said proudly.

I was not going to leave Jay by himself in this condition. He was my partner-in-crime.  He had no choice than to be around me. He coughed and shook his head. "You're going to get sick."

I shrugged. "So? I'm sticking by you anyway." I scooted closer to him playfully nudged him. He did a half smile.

"Thanks, marshmallow."


I was in the cafeteria and I was carrying a bowl of soup in one hand and a sub in the other. I approached our table and set the soup in front of Jackson as I took a seat in front of him.

"Thanks." He smiled at me before starting to eat. Or drink. I don't know. Do you eat soup or drink soup?

"No problem." I said with my mouth stuffed with my sandwich.

Jay laughed at me. "You're such a tomboy." His voice still sounded sick.

"I am not." I said swallowing the contents in my mouth. Yeah, I wasn't a girly-girl but I wasn't a tomboy either.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Yes you are."

I was going to keep this going until I felt someone bump into me. I looked up and saw Danny smirking at me. Great.

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