Cameron's Plan

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??? POV

"Cameron," I plead. "We shouldn't be doing this,"

He glares at me, anger filling his eyes. "Yes, we should!"

"It's not right!" I frown. "Rachel and Finn don't deserve this. What have they ever done to you?"

"Ugh!" he screams. "Finn destroyed my childhood and Rachel is mine! I loved her before she even met Finn!"

A lump starts to rise in my throat.

You can't do this! Rachel, she'll never forgive you! What are you doing?! Get away from Cameron!

"So?" glares Cameron. "You made your decision?"

I lower my gaze to my feet. "Fine,"

"Good," he grins, clapping his hands together. "Let's go, we have a party to attend,"

What have you done?

Rachel's POV

"Happy Birthday!" Emma giggles, running over to me.

I smile. "Thank you,"

I look behind me and see Finn grinning. I roll my eyes before hugging Emma back.

"I hope you don't mind, Mum," I smile, cheekily. "But, I brought a...umm...friend,"

"That's fine!" she smiles, hugging me. "Can we meet him or her?"

"Sure," I giggle.

As I step aside to let Finn enter the house, he beats me to it and picks me up and slings me over his shoulder.

"Show off!" I scream, wriggling in his arms.

"Hey," Finn smiles, weakly.

"Finn!?" everyone shouts.

"Can you put me down now?" I laugh.

"Sure thing, Rach," he smirks.

Carefully, Finn places me on my feet and I entwine my fingers in his.

"Finn?" a small voice says from behind the crowd of people. "Is that you?"

"Hi, Mum," he nervously smiles. "I missed you,"

"Oh, Finn," she laughs, shaking her head.

Finn motions for her to come over to him. She runs over, tears welling in her eyes. Catherine collapses in his arms and they hug each other tightly.

"We'll talk later, Mum," smiles Finn.

Catherine nods, before breaking their hug. "Today is about Rachel,"

I blush as Finn walks up to me and hugs me from behind. Smiling, I hug him back and look up into his eyes.

"Kiss him," whispers Mum, ruining our 'moment'.

"Mum!" I scowl.

Everyone laughs and Mum just rolls her eyes.

"Come on," Estelle laughs, dragging me into the living room. "Open your presents!"

"Okay, okay," I stifle a laugh. "Slow down,"


"Sweetie," calls Mum. "Come see your guest out, please,"

"Coming," I reply. "I'll be back, Finn,"

"Okay," Finn smiles.

After saying goodbye to all my relatives, I start to head back to the living room.


I groan and back towards the door.

"Who is it, Rach?" asks Finn, walking up behind me.

I shrug my shoulders. "Probably Nan forgetting her glasses,"

Finn chuckles at my response.

I open the door to find no one is there.

"Young kids," Finn laughs, shaking his head.

I giggle. "Let's go and say goodbye to Estelle, Emma and Landon,"

Finn nods in reply and we walk into the living room hand-in-hand.

??? POV

"I can't do it!" I growl into the phone.

"What do you mean?" Cameron demands.

"I can't do it," I repeat.

"Yes, you can!" he shouts. "You have to!"

"No!" I shout back. "You can't make me do anything!"

"Fine then!" he sighs, loudly. "I'll just have to do it myself!"

Without saying another word, Cameron hangs up.

"What are you doing out here?" asks a familiar voice, from behind me.

I turn around to see him.

"F-Finn," I gasp. "I-I was um, getting some fresh air,"

Finn laughs. "Come on, man. Come inside, they're all looking for you,"

"Coming," I smile.

"Estelle's really worried about you," he chuckles.

My heart instantly drops at the name.

You're an idiot! Estelle will never forgive you. Neither will the others.

"Okay!" I think aloud.

"You alright?" Finn worriedly asks. "You look like you've seen a ghost,"

Mentally, I slap myself. "Yeah, I'm fine,"

"Let's go!" Finn laughs. "The cake is really good!"

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Come on,"

You have to do something about, Cameron.

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now