See you soon, Finn

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"Write and Skype me all the time," I sniffle.

"I promise, Rach," Finn smiles, fighting back tears.

Finn and I walk through the airport doors and I cling to his side. He chuckles and hugs me tightly. I jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. He smashes his lips onto mine and we both cry in the kiss.

"I love you, Rach," he sniffles, putting me down. "Please don't forget that,"

"I love you too, Finn," I cry into his chest. "I won't forget it,"

The sargent blows his whistle, signalling the men to line up.

"I'll see you soon, babe," he smiles, quickly pecking me on lips for the last time.

"See you soon, Finn," I smile, whiping tears from my eyes.

Finn walks over to the men and lines up. I smile at him when he turns around and looks at me. He blows me a kiss and mouths 'I love you'. I force a giggle and walk out of the airport. Slowly, I walk to the car with my head hanging. I hop into the car and cry onto the steering wheel.

How the hell can I manage without him here?

What if I fall in love with someone whilst he's gone


He dies...

"Stop it, Rachel!" I say, shaking my head. "You'll be fine,"

Will I? Really?

I mentally slap myself and drive home.


I unlock Finns front door and plop onto the couch. Finn told me, before he left, that I can stay at his house when ever I like. So I decide to stay at his house tonight.

Half an hour later I'm crying like a baby and pretending a pillow is Finn. Eventually I stop crying and grab my phone.

"Hopefully Estelle and Emma are free tonight," I quietly say to myself.

I dial Estelle's number and after 3 rings she picks up.

"Hey, babe," she chirps.

"HI," I sigh.

"What's up, bub?" she asks, sounded worried.

"Finn left this arfternoon," I say, trying desperately to fight back tears.

"Oh, Rachel. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine...I guess," I lie.

It goes quiet and I feel awkward.

"Anyway," I shake my head. "I was wondering if you would like to come over?"

"I'm really sorry. I have a date with Brody tonight," she sighs. "Wanna hang on the weekend?"

"It's alright. Sure,"

"Yay! I'll call you later,"

"Cya, have fun on your date," I smile.

Estelle giggles and hangs up. I sigh and ring Emma.

"H-h-hello?" a squeaky voice says.

"Em?" I cautiosly ask.

"Rachel!" she squeals.

I giggle and she laughs. "Everything alright?" I ask.

"Dad brought his new girlfriend over. She's actually downstairs, probably smooching Dad as we speak," she says sarcastically.

Emma's mum and dad split up a few years ago. Her mum has found a really nice guy and they have been together for a few months. On the other hand, her dad brings home a new girlfriend every week. Some of the ladies that he brings home are really nice, but most of them are really bitchy. Death glaring Emma wherever she goes.

"How is she?"

"To be honest..." she huffs. "She's the biggest bitch I've ever met!"

"Even bitchier than Veronica?" I tease.

"Yep!" she says, popping the p.

I laugh and Emma sighs.

"So, why did you call?" she asks.

I sigh and a tear rolls down my face. "Finn left this afternoon,"

"I'm so sorry, Rachel," she sighs. "I knew he was a jerk! You deserve better,"

I burst out laughing and fall onto the floor. At least she cheers me up.

"Why are you laughing?" she asks, and I can tell she is raising an eyebrow.

"He left for the special forces, not left me as in dumped me," I laugh.

"Awkward much?" she snorts.

"Mmhmm!" I giggle.

"You wanna go to the club down the road from Finns place?" she asks.

"Sure, I'm guessing you're having fun being 18?" I smile.

"Yes! It's the best!" she squeals.

"Alright," I giggle. "What time?"

"I'll pick you up in an hour," she says and hangs up.

I need to get out, I need to take my mind off things.

The 'Bad Boy' from school (on hold and major editing)Where stories live. Discover now